Chapter 1

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I sigh in frustration at the mess of papers on my desk. We've been dealing with rouges attacking the packs around the US for months now. We've captured a few but they never gave a reason for continuing their attack efforts, and I was growing increasingly frustrated. I sat in my desk chair and ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to calm my racing thoughts and heart. As the King it's my job to protect my kingdom. And I felt I was failing. Pure fury ran through my veins as I threw my desk across the room, effectively shattering a huge hole in the wall.

"Alpha!" My guards yelled as they ran in, their eyes searching for any sign of danger, but only finding me.

My breathing was quick as the anger began to win out. "Kadence, calm down. You'll hurt someone if you don't." My wolf, Wesley, stated.

I sighed "I'm trying. But those bastards are destroying packs left and right! And we haven't found a single hideout or a single clue as to why the fuck they're doing this!" I yelled internally.

My wolf growled in response to my yelling. He was pissed too, but I needed to regain my control.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I ran from my office and down the hall to the stairs. I need to run, I needed to clear my head. My heart was racing and my veins burned as the anger flowed through them.

I walked quickly down the hall to the front door, behind me I could hear my Beta calling for me. I ignored him and a deafening growl erupted from me as I shifted and ran into the woods.

My wolf was large and he was all black. I was larger that most alphas, sometimes standing a foot taller in wolf form. My wolf's eyes were a blood red. And I could feel him pushing with me.

He wanted control as we ran through the trees, sticks and leaves crunching under our paws. I gave him full control. Watching as the trees raced by us and relishing in the feeling of the wind in our fur. He ran until we reached a cliff, signifying we had reached our Northern Border.

"We will figure this out Kadence, we always do." Wesley said to me.

He always had a way of calming me. " I know. I just can't help but feel like I'm failing them. I don't understand what's happening." I stated.

I sighed and laid down watching the sun set over the hills and trees. Peace began to enter me then it hit me. The smell of rotting meat and dirt. ROUGES

"There are rouges near the Northern Border! Get the warriors here NOW!" I yelled through mind link.

"We're coming Alpha, we will be there in 2 minutes!" My Beta Christian says through the link. He's my most trusted advisor and maybe my only friend.

I stood facing back to the woods behind me and smelled the air. The scent hit me again, only it was becoming stronger. There were 4 of them stalking their way towards me. I could smell each of them individually. Their stench burning my nose. I realized I was in the weakest spot. On the edge of a cliff.

"There's at least 4 of them. Coming straight towards me. At the cliff." I linked.

"Kadence. Get awa-" Christian began to link when my head snapped to my right as I heard a twig snap. I jumped into the trees towards the sound. I heard a snarl and growl as I turned and felt teeth hit my shoulder, slamming me to the ground.

I rolled and saw him snarling at me. We paced a few steps before he launched at me again, slamming us both to the ground.

I kicked the rouge off of me and before he could attack again, my teeth found his neck and I heard a snap. He laid limp in my jaw.

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