Chapter 2

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"Come on! He's not that bad, he's actually kind of cute." Megan giggles. I roll my eyes at her and look at my phone.

SMS: Hey Juniper! I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime?

I groaned reading it again. "He's not my type Meg. And he bullied me all through Middle School!" I say to her. How could she forget? He was so cruel to me!


"Aww! Is the ugly little twig gonna cry?" Jason said to me while he and his friends laughed.

I shook my head and stared at the sketchbook on the ground. He had knocked it from my hands and stepped all over it. My drawings were my peace, and he ruined my book. He poked my head and when I didn't respond he grabbed my hair, yanking my head back and forcing me to look at him. Tears fell from my eyes as pain seared through my scalp.

"You're a pathetic piece of crap Wallis. You'll never be anything, and no one will ever want to be with a skinny and boney twig like you!" He laughed and pushed me to the ground.

"HEY! Asshole!" A yell sounded. I heard the group of boys mumble something and take a few steps back as someone came towards us. "Is this how you treat women? I feel sorry for the woman who gets stuck with you forever. Or maybe it's because you're gay!" The mystery voice said. His voice was deep, but not too deep. He was probably a year above us.

I shut them out as they argued some more before I heard a body hit the ground. When I looked up, Jason laid there, holding his nose as it bled. Before I could react someone was picking me up from the ground, and that's when I looked to see a pair of deep green eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, and I nodded not wanting the attention to be on my anymore. "Thanks" I muttered as I ran away. My heart was hurting and I felt myself losing it. When I was a safe distance away I gave in and let the tears roll down my cheeks, my hand desperately trying to cover my sobs.


"'re totally right. I completely forgot! I'm sorry! Screw him! He can go eat sand for all I care!" She said, with her brows furrowed and a feigned angry expression on her face. I knew it was for my benefit.

I laughed at her poor insults and shook my head. We were adults now and she still refused to cuss. She was mature and kind, almost too kind. But her insults suck, they are funny though. "So what are you gonna say to him?" She asks, tearing me from my thoughts.

I shrug, then decide on an answer. Meg looks over my shoulder as I respond:

SMS: Hey Jason, politely fuck off. I still haven't forgiven you for middle school and there's no way I'd ever go out with you after that. Your loss on this no longer "twig like" figure ass hole.

Meg gasped at my fowl language and then we both laughed about it. He deserved it. Since middle school I've filled out quite nicely. My bust was perky and the perfect size for my figure, my waist came in giving me an hourglass shape and through my senior year, my hips filled out. I also had a super nice ass if I do say myself. These changes drew the attention of a lot of the males in high school.

"Come on, let's get home." I tell my best friend, Meg, as I realize it's already 5:00pm and we have to be home for dinner by 5:30. As we walk out of the mall, our bags in hand, something feels wrong. I feel like someone is watching us. When I look at Megan I can tell she feels it too. We pick up our pace and practically run to the car when someone grabs me from behind and put a cloth over my mouth. In seconds my world goes black.

**A few hours later**

I groaned as I opened my eyes slowly, my head was pounding. When my eyes finally focused I realized I was in a room. It was plain, the walls a drab off white, the carpet a dirty grey.

I looked around in a panic as I remembered I was with Megan. Then I saw her on a bed next to mine.

"Megan. Megan!" I whispered, trying to wake her. She started to stir and groaned, holding her head. Once her eyes opened she freaked out and sat up on the bed, pushing back into the headboard.

"Shh Meg." I shushed her as we made eye contact. "Do you remember anything?" I asked quietly. She shook her head, fear written all over her.

The room smelled musty and there weren't any windows that I could see. Our only exit was the door directly in front of the bed I was trapped to. We both had a chain attached to one of our ankles.

It was burning my skin. I reached down to see if I could pry it off but had no luck. Something inside of me was telling me to run, to get out. But I couldn't.

Anger filled me, then fear as we heard footsteps headed our way. They were loud and thudded against the floor, almost matching the racing rhythm of my heart.

I sat up and waited for our kidnapper to enter the room and gasped when they did.

"J-Jason?!" I said, in complete shock.


Dang...Jason is crazy! Juni and Meg need our help! Give this chapter a vote to help them out!

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