Chapter 8

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"Juniper Grace! Get your ass down here NOW!" My father yelled and fear wrecked my soul. I ran downstairs to see him wobbling, drunk no doubt.

"Yes sir?" I respond, praying he won't take it out on me this time. My prayers failed me.

"Yes Sir?" He mocked me. "Why the fuck is there no beer left in the fridge for me?" He slurred.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm not old enough to buy it." I reply. I'm only 15.

"You worthless skank!" He yells as he throws his empty beer bottle at my head. I just manage to dodge it but fail to realize he's barreling towards me.

His fist connects with my face and I taste blood. A quiet sob escapes my lips and dread fills me as I know I've just fucked up. "You're crying? I'll give you something to cry about!" He slurs out as he kicks my stomach, my insides lurch and pain wracks through me.

"You insufferable bitch! You're just like your mother!" He yells as he kicks me again, and again. Then pain sears through my head as he pulls my hair and begins to drag my across the floor.

"Get the fuck outta my face! I can't stand to look at your ugly ass anymore." He grumbles as he throws me into the stairs.

I go to stand but the pain is too great, and I end up crawling up the stairs. A beer bottle is thrown at me and shatters on the back of my head and I feel the darkness closing in.

I jolt awake and notice I'm still in the hospital room. I lay back down rubbing the tears from my eyes. " it was just a dream." I whisper to myself.

Suddenly his scent hits me and I'm pulled back to reality. I open my eyes and see a messy head of hair to my left. His head was resting on his arms just next to me, and the heat radiating from him made my stomach do flips.

"He's beautiful isn't he?" Elise coos. And I can't disagree. His hair was black as night, his brows thick as they rested peacefully on his face. His nose was slightly crooked and he had a five o'clock shadow from not shaving.

God his jaw was chiseled so finely too, and his lips. A suddenly flutter of butterflies erupts in my belly as I imagine kissing those lips. Feeling them on my body. Running my teeth along that jaw. Ugh, I want him so badly.

I noticed his tattoos on his arm and admired the tribal pattern. I wanted to trace it, with my tongue. And Elise couldn't agree more.

I slowly raised my hand to his hair and lightly ran my fingers through it. It was so soft, and smelled amazing. His scent made my head spin and I couldn't get enough of it.

The butterflies came back and a blush rose to my cheeks as I imagined pulling the locks. Wrapping my fingers in them and tugging gently. I shook my head slightly to clear my mind.

Why was I so infatuated with this man? "He's our mate. He is the other half of our soul." Elise said, and all I could do was stare at him.

Other half of our soul? Seriously? This can't be real. This is some dream I made up to escape from reality. That's all this is.

"The Moon Goddess gave him to us Juni. He's made for us, just as we are made for him." She tells me as I stare at him, taking in his handsome face.

"This is some werewolf thing isn't it?" I ask. and she nods in response. "Maybe she made a mistake Elise. No man THAT gorgeous is ever going to want someone as average looking as me. Plus...I'm broken." I whisper the last part.

"Juni, you're stunning. The Moon Goddess doesn't make mistakes." She huffs. "She knew he would need you and that you would need him."
She finishes with a sigh.

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