Chapter 4

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My head pounded as I laid on the ground, my figure shaking from the shock. We made it out. But I wasn't sure these other wolves would help us. My mind raced as I thought of getting up to ask for help but felt my body was too weak. I'd fall and fail. I was always too weak. From the time I was young.


"Daddy! Daddy look! I made a butterfly!" I said, so happy I had finally drawn a pretty butterfly. I was only 5 but my drawing skills were becoming more and more advanced.

Before I knew it his hand connected with my face. "Leave me alone you stupid brat! No one gives a shit about a fucking drawing! Go do something that will make some money, not this worthless shit." He'd say as he tore my drawing to shreds. I cried and cried, more because of the pain in my face.


If my mother was lucky enough to not be home, I'd be the subject of his abuse. He'd beat me, but only where clothes could hide it. My stomach, ribs and hips would be littered with bruises. My thighs red and starting to bruise. I hated him, I hated him so much I honestly couldn't wait to turn 18 so I could run away.

The day of my 18th birthday I left. I packed a bag and snuck out of my window. It's was 3 in the morning and no one was awake. I quietly closed my window and started walking. My head faced the ground the entire time and before I knew it, I was at Megan's. Her parents welcomed me in with warm arms, and helped me get help for my injuries.

When Megan and I turned 19 her parents died in a car accident. And again, I was lost. But I had Megan, and we did what we could to keep our heads above water. We got jobs, and we rented out a room to an older woman who sort of took on the mothering role. Her name is Cassie and she is the kindest person we've met. She's probably worried sick about us. Oh god, poor Cassie.

During school I was bullied, and it pushed me to the point of almost breaking. My heart shattered every time someone teased me. They'd pour food and drinks on me, steal my books or knock them to the ground, steal my sketchbooks and ruin them. It was hard. But I sort of gained some strength from it, I was definitely more able to stand up for myself.

I miss my mom. I miss Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. I want to go home. I miss Cassie. I miss my bed. I miss my normal life, please, I want to go home.  I could smell blood, a lot of blood. And I could hear Megan calling my name. My body burned and I hurt all over. My heart ached and all I wanted to do was die. I listened to the voices around me as Megan's arms wrapped around my shuttering body.

"Why are you chasing these two?" A voice asked. It was a deep voice, one of a man.

"They're our prisoners." Someone responded.

"WE ARE NOT YOUR PRISONERS! YOUR ASS HOLE FRIEND JASON KIDNAPPED US! THEN HE...he raped my friend." She whispered the last bit and sobs wracked my body again. I felt her arms wrap around me as she tried to comfort me. Suddenly feeling the breeze I realize I'm naked.

"We can ask them for help Juniper. It will be okay." Elise whined in my head.

"I can't do this Elise. I'm sorry. I-I just can't." I responded. She whined but I felt her retreat to the back of my head.

Then I felt my body leave the ground as large arms wrapped around my shivering frame. I heard Megan yell, " Where are you taking her?" She asked.

He growled lightly and responded, "To the Pack Doctor so she can be treated." And then everything went black.


Do you think the man that picked her up is her mate?? Give a vote if you do!!

Much love!!

P.s. Sorry for the short chapter

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