Chapter 10

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I groan as I wake to sunlight in my face. The balcony doors don't have curtains on them. As I cover my eyes with my arm the memories of last night enter my mind.

He chose me. He really chose me. But could I trust him? I frown at the thought of him with that woman again. Then my little tease show came to mind and I blushed. What came over me? I've never done that before.

When I came out from the bathroom I gasped as I saw him there on the bed. His v-neck t-shirt was hugging his chest and muscles showing their definitions. His jeans wrapped around his large legs in such a perfect way, and his hands were large. So large...

He stood up and made his way to me, a small smirk on his lips, his eyes black as night. His calloused but gentle touch caused heat to reach my core again. And I sighed. I wasn't going to be able to fight this forever. I want him, and I want him to take me. Make me his.

But first I needed to trust him. To know who he is and know everythin-my thoughts were cut short as his lips touched mine. They were so gentle, but the lust was evident in them. I couldn't help but lace my arms around his neck, my fingers in his hair as I leaned into the kiss.

My body lit up with sparks as he held me, kissing me. And then he pulls away from me, leaving the room. I just stared at his back in shock. When my thoughts finally came back to earth I walked over and sat on the bed. He kissed me, and god was it good. His lips were so soft and he tasted of coffee. I could savour his mouth all day.

A few moments later I stood to go to the balcony, I need fresh air. Again I see him on his balcony. He's looking out over the pack yard with a mug in his hands. That explains the taste of coffee I thought to myself.

He's shirtless and his hair is dripping water onto his shoulders and arms. I just stare and admire the view and I imagine those arms pinning me to the bed as his lips touch my body. Something comes over me and I'm walking.

Suddenly I'm at his door and I pause. What if he doesn't want to see me? Maybe I should go back.

My thoughts are interrupted as his door opens and I'm greeted by his emerald eyes, and shirtless chest. I fight to keep my eyes on his as I choke out, "Good morning." Blush covering my cheeks. "A-Again." I smile shyly.

He looked at me as a smirk met his perfect lips, he stepped back from the door gesturing me to enter. "Good morning, Love. Make yourself comfortable." He says in a raspy, oh so sexy morning voice.

A chill runs down my spine and I feel myself pooling. Everything about him was perfect. I step in slowly and before I turn around I feel myself pulled to a hard chest, a warm and strong arm around my waist.

His nose presses to my neck and I can't help but close my eyes, biting my lip to suppress a moan. Tingles ripped through my body and butterflies erupted again.

My head leaning to the side to give him better access. A moan escapes my lips as he kisses the sensitive skin of my neck and he stiffens behind me.

A low growl comes from him, "You tease me Juniper" His voice said huskily against my skin. And I can't help the shiver that runs down my back. I know for certain that I'm sopping wet for this man.

As he presses me closer to him I feel his hardened self against my back and gasp slightly. He's large, and that caused excitement to run through me.

He nipped and sucked at my sensitive spot where my mark would go (according to Elise) and I can't help the moans that escape my lips. Each nip, bite and suck sent waves of pleasure to my core.

"Juniper if we don't stop I'm going to mark and take you right now." He growled into my ear. And I shiver, the thoughts entering my mind.

I sober and realize what he means. And I freeze, I'm not ready for that. Not yet. I gently pull away from him, my face burning as I blush.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.." I trail off looking at him. His eyes were pitch black with lust and I couldn't help the flips my heart did. He really wants me.

"To turn me on? To make me rock hard for you? To tease me by touching yourself? Don't think I didn't hear you moaning my name." He growled lowly a smirk on his lips.

I felt the blush burning my cheeks. He saw, he watched me. Something inside of felt proud, now he was suffering too. "I don't know what you're referring to." I spit out, hoping my voice doesn't shake.

He growls and steps towards me, "I think you do Juniper. I can smell your arousal from here." He says slowly. His voice makes me shudder as the butterflies errupt inside of me.

I shake my head and I make my way past him as I rush from the room. God he's addicting. And so forward! My goodness!

As badly as my body craved his touch, my mind panicked. I don't know him. I just learned his name not even 24 hours ago! I can't mate with him! I need time, I need to know him.



As she left the room I took a deep breath. I wanted her so badly. My dick throbbed against my pants as I thought of how she moaned for me. Her arousal still strong in the air. I knew I needed to resolve this on my own. She's not ready for me just yet.

I walk to my bathroom and turn the shower on. I need release or I'm bound to explode. Her skin was so soft and it tasted so sweet. I need more, I want more. I want to run my tongue across her entire body savoring her taste.

My hand trails down to dick and I gasp lightly at its sensitivity. She has me so damn hard. I close my eyes as my hand begins to pump and imagine her moaning and mewling my name as she touches herself. She was thinking of me as she moaned, and knew I was watching.

I imagined tasting her, running my tongue around her soft bud as she arched against my mouth, her juices tasting heavenly. And then pounding her tiny frame. Over and over again. Until she can't remember her own name.

Her nails scratching my back as I mark her. As I claim her mind, body and soul. At the thought of claiming her my release comes and I stifle a loud moan. My orgasm making my hands shake ever so slightly.

This woman will be the death of me. I swear it.


Sound like Kade is having a hard time. *wink wink* lol

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