Chapter 7

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The rouges were right. I do have a mate, and she's already consumed my world in a matter of minutes. I ran my fingers through my hair as the doctor and nurses looked over her, checking her vitals. I sighed loudly reminding them I was there waiting for an update.

Irritation ran through me as my arms ached to be around her. I wanted to touch her, hold her and never let her go. But she was so fragile.

"Alpha." Dr. Bell said and walked towards me. "She's stable, but there are some things I need to discuss with you." He said, a worried look plaguing his face. I nodded and followed him from the room, stealing one last glance at her beautiful face.

"Alpha, I'm concerned she may be underdeveloped. Mentally I mean." He rushes as I stare at him, completely confused.

I wave for him to continue.

"When she awoke earlier I asked her some questions and it turns out that her first shift was the day she landed on our territory. She has no idea about our ways or even what a mate is." He said slowly, carefully watching for my reaction.

"How is that possible? You're saying she had no idea she was a wolf until two days ago?" I ask. I'm completely shocked, how is that even possible?! Most wolves shift by age 17. 19 at the latest!

"I don't really know Alpha. I was going to question her further when she caught your scent." He says smirking at me. Wilson is one of a few people who can get away with teasing me or even acting like we are friends. He helped me become the King I am today.

I pondered for a moment. She smelled my scent, but has no idea about werewolves or how we work. Did she feel the tingles too? She had to have felt them! I shook my head to get my thoughts back on track.

She doesn't understand werewolves. She doesn't even know what it means to find her mate. This was going to be harder than I thought. I looked up to see some amusement in Wilson's eyes.

"So I'll need to take things extremely slow, is that what you're saying?" I ask. He nods causing me to frown. Wesley pouts, unhappy about this news. If I had it my way I would have marked her right then and there.

But something inside me told me if I had, that she's never forgive me. I nod. "Is that all?" I ask, my brow furrows in concern when a look of caution crosses his face.

"There is something else...when we found her she was covered in blood, some of it was her own, or rather her wolf's. Christian stated her wolf had a cut down her right eye, but the girl shows no sign of that damage. However..." he hesitates and I'm growing impatient. I want to be next to my mate.

"Continue Wilson." I growl.

He takes a deep breath and says, "the man that kidnapped your mate and the human girl had chained them up. He...he had his way with your mate."

A low guttural growl left my lips, my eyes changing to red as Wesley comes forth.

"Before you get out of control her wolf killed him." He rushed out and we froze. "According to the human, Megan is her name I believe, Juniper's wolf tore his head clean off." He said, chuckling lightly.

Wesley huffed with pride and I smirked. Bastard got what he deserved. Though I wish I had been the one to do it. Juniper my wolf hums at the thought of her name. It's beautiful, just like her.

"They smelled like rouges and from what Megan has said they're located to the South. I'm not sure how far." He states.

"Oh, before I let you go, there's one more thing." He states, "Christian said Juniper's wolf has the marking of royalty. The crown sits on her wolf's left arm." He finishes, looking at his records curiously.

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