Chapter 13

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Kadence took off with the man from the other day shifting into a stunning black wolf. He looked so beautiful. I shook my head and got out of the car, walking to the back to grab a bag or two only to find the two beef cakes assigned to me had already grabbed them.

I smile at them and follow their lead into the house. When we finally made it up the stares I was out of breath and sweating miserably. I really need to start running or something. If I'm supposed to go up and down those stairs every day, I'm definitely going to need to improve my cardio routine.

Once we reached my room they set all the bags down, bowed and made their way out to the hall. People bowing to me made me uncomfortable, I'm not some royal person. I don't need you to bow to me. I sighed and looked at the 11 bags sitting on my floor and groaned. I dont want to have to put everything away now.

I flopped down on the bed stared at the ceiling, hoping a magical being would appear and magically put all of my clothes away. When I sat up a few minutes later, there they sat. Waiting. After a minute more of procrastinating I stood and dragged the bags to the closet. Opening the doors and being thankful the racks had hangers on them.

I began hanging each item, organizing by color and after the third piece I decided I needed some music. I walked out and looked around for a stereo or something but didn't find one. Then I remembered the music channel from when I was a kid. I turned on the TV and searched through before I found what I was looking for. Pop music played through the room and I couldn't help but dance as I continued the job in front of me.

About 20 minutes later all of my clothes were hung, and my shoes had been set neatly at the bottom of the closet. The last bag to tackle was the Victoria's Secret bag. I grabbed it walked to one of the dressers, opening the top drawer. I thre everything into it and decided I would fold and organize everything later.

I blushed as I noticed the light blue silk sitting at the top. Maybe I'll wear that tonight... as my thoughts drifted I made my way to the bathroom. I really needed and shower and I definitely needed some sleep. Today has taken every ounce of my energy. As I scrubbed my hair I thought back to the situation out front of the pack house when we returned.

KAdence was yelling at that woman. She seemed very upset by what he had to say. I shivered at the thought of his deep red eyes. I needed to ask him about that. I didn't know wolves could have red eyed. Elise had no clue why they were red either. I shrugged it off for later and finished my shower by shaving.

I stepped out and his scent hit me like a brick. I realize I had left the bathroom door cracked. Oh no. He's in my room. And I have nothing but a towel to protect me. I dried my hair and wrapped myself up, looking in the mirror hoping my reflection would have a solution. When no answer came, I decided to face my fate.

I walked out and there he was, in a Tshirt and sweats on the small couch across the room. The song Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake played, and I scoffed internally. What a perfect song. He didn't look at me and I realized he was respecting what small amount of privacy I had at this moment. I rushed to my dresser grabbing a black lace bra and panty set, then made my way to the closet.

I slipped them on and decided to go with the light blue tank and black shorts I had bought today. When I put the shorts on I frowned into the mirror as I realized my butt slightly hung out of the bottom. Whatever, I'm too tired to change again, I think to myself as I throw my hands up. I walk out of the closet and he's still staring at the floor, his fingers interlaced.

Was he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? I clenched my fists and forced myself to speak evenly. "Kadence? Are you alright?" I asked. My voice was low but I was thankful it did not sound shakey.

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