Chapter 5

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I groaned as the annoying sound entered my ears. I opened my eyes to quickly realize that was a mistake. The room was bright, and it took me a moment to adjust to the brightness. I sat up slowly, my body still painfully sore. "Elise?" I link, but she doesn't respond.

Maybe she's sleeping? I look around and notice the room is stark white, the walls and floors are white and there are medical machines surrounding my bed.

The heart monitor, beeping incessantly, an IV and what appears to be some sort of Blood Pressure machine. There's a tray next to my bed with a few needles on it, the syringes full of something.

I breathe in and wrinkle my nose at the sterile smell. Then the most delicious smell ever touches my nose. It's faint but it smells amazing, like the trees after a fresh rainfall.

Suddenly Elise starts to pace in my head. "Elise! There you are! Wait, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Follow it. Follow. Follow! Follow!" She chants in my head.

"The smell?" I ask, and her image in my head nods.

She's panting in excitement and I can't help but wonder what's going on. I start to get up and remember I'm connected to a bunch of different machines.

I take the heart rate thing off of my finger first and the line goes flat. As I'm reaching for my IV someone busts open the door, it's a doctor. I think.

He's wearing scrubs, but he looks like McDreamy more than a doctor. He's extremely handsome and very muscular. I stare at him wide eyed as he makes his way to me, a reassuring smile on his face.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Bell. You're Juniper, correct?" He asks softly, as if he's afraid I'll break at any moment. I nod in response as he pushes me back to the hospital bed.

"Alright Juniper, I'm sure you're confused. You're in a hospital right now and I'm taking care of you." He says with a kind smile on his face. I look down and realize I'm in nothing but a hospital gown, heat reaches my cheeks immediately.

"You gave us all quite the scare dear. Do you remember anything?" He asks, his smile faltering as fear enters my eyes.

The memory of the last 24 hours of my life flashing through my memory. I start to shake as I struggle to push the thoughts from my mind. I look down and my eyes widen at the marks on my arms. Scratches from the fight. They're already almost healed but the scars are bright red.

"It's alright, you're safe now." He says, his hand on my shoulder as he squeezes lightly. I assume to reassure me.

"I killed him." I say barely above a whisper.

"Killed who, dear?" He asks again, ever so kindly.

"Jason" I say as my face twists in disgust. Shudders wracks my body as I try to push the thought away.

And again I get the urge to hide away, to run and hide forever alone. I'm disgusted with myself. I'm sure they'll lock me away and throw the key in ocean for what I've done. But I'm shocked when he speaks again.

"Is that the man who took you and your friend?" He asks me, pulling me from my thoughts. I nod but say nothing, my body still shaking. But now I can't tell if it's from anger, or disgust.

"Okay. Juniper I must ask..." he trails off as I meet his eyes finally. They're brown, chocolatey brown with lighter streaks throughout. And I see nothing but kindness in them.

"Did he...complete inside of you?" He asks, pity crossing his face for a moment, then relief as I shake my head.

That would have made the situation one million times worse. If he'd completely violated me, and impregnated me? I'd sooner choose to die than bare his child.

Suddenly the delicious smell hits my nose again and I inhale deeply, desperate to know what it is. Elise is back to pacing in my head.

"What is that smell?" I ask, confusion riddling my features.

"Do you smell something dear?" He asks, and I nod.

"It smells amazing. What is it?" I ask again.

"I believe that may be your mate my dear." He smiles widely at me and I just look back confused.

"Mate?" And he nods.

"Do you know what a mate is Juniper?" He asks, concern on his face as I shake my head.

"Juniper, how many times have you shifted?" He asks and I sink into the bed.

"Yesterday was the first time..." I say quietly as I bring my knees to my chest.

"You're kidding?" He gasps and stares at me in shock.

I just shake my head and close my eyes. Great, just add another thing to the list of things wrong with me. I huff and hide my face behind my arms, my forehead resting on my knees. Suddenly Elise jumps in excitement in my head.

"He's coming!" She yips. He? Who?

Suddenly a large man busts through the doors. His eyes black as night. His chest is rising and falling heavily as he stares at me. His shirt is tight against his muscles and they ripple with each breath. He's tall and built like a God. His dark jeans tight against his legs. Geez...They're practically as big as I am!

I glance back at his face and I slide back on the bed in fear pulling the hospital gown over my knees. Is he going to hurt me next? At this point why should I care? I'm already broken.

Elise breaks me from my thoughts, "MATE" She says, excitement overrunning her.

I furrow my brows, still confused about what a mate is. I glance up at the man in the doorway and my eyes widen.

"MATE" a loud growl sounds and I jump, hiding my face in my arms again. Then the smell from before touches my nose, but it's strong now.

It's intoxicating and my head begins to spin. I want to be wrapped in that scent forever. A calm feeling begins to roll over my body.

Suddenly I'm lifted from the bed and held in another set of arms, this time my skin is tingling all over. What's happening? I've never felt this before. These large, warm arms wrap me in a gentle embrace and I feel safe. And that smell, oh that smell.

I inhale deeply and freeze when a nose is pushed to my neck. What, what is he doing?!

I try to push against him but his arms tighten slightly as he inhales against my neck. "What are you doing to me? Let me go!" I yell as I flail against him, desperate to get away, when I start to see spots in my vision.

The last thing I saw was an extremely handsome face laced with concern, and beautiful emerald green eyes. Then darkness.


Ooohhh!!! Our Juni met her mate!!
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