Chapter 3

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"J-Jason?!" I said in complete shock.

Jason looked at me with hatred in his eyes. "Don't look so surprised Princess." He sneered as he stalked hi way towards me, slowly. His eyes suddenly darkened with lust as they scanned over my body, and I felt panic rise in me.

"Jason why are you doing this?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You disrespected me you bitch. Now I'm gonna take what's mine!" He yelled in my face, and I pushed myself further back into the headboard.

He laughed, a sound that came out evil, dripping in sinister suggestion, and my heart fell. I knew what he meant and what he wanted. He reached me and slammed his lips to mine. He tasted like cigarettes, my stomach lurched.

I screamed as I scratched at his face, doing what I could to fight him off, to no avail. He was much larger than me and grabbed my wrists.

Pinning them above my head as he smelled down my neck. I whimper left my lips as pain seared through my wrists. He was crushing them with an almost inhuman strength.

Tears threatened to fall at the realization that he was going to use me, and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. "Aww, crying again?" SMACK "suck it up, you're mine and you'll give me what I want!" He yelled as pain flowed across my cheek. All I could do was sob and pray someone would save us.

"LEAVE HER ALONE YOU GIGANTIC DOUCHE BAG! YOU'RE A FUCKING PSYCHO AND YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" Megan yelled at him from her bed. He stood so quickly and smacked her. Her head flew back and she fell from the bed, laying on the floor crying. 

Anger and shock filled me. I was angry that he had hit her, but shocked she had actually cussed and threatened him. For me.

"Meg! Meg are you okay?" I called to her but he made his way back to me quickly putting his hand around my throat.

My fingers scraped his hand as the air was stuck in my lungs. "Now shut the fuck up and give me what I deserve." He sneered through his teeth.

He yanked me down the bed and let go of my throat to RIP, literally rip my clothes off. I tried to turn away from him but he grabbed my hips and forced me down into the bed.

Before I could make another move he forced himself into me, and pain radiated from my core. I felt my heart shatter as my innocence was stolen from me. My soul felt like it was tearing in two.

Suddenly something stirred inside of me, and a growl left my lips. My eyes widened in shock and Jason paused for only a moment before telling me to shut my mouth again, continuing his assault as tears ran down my face.

He finished on my stomach, and I laid there unwilling to move. He had just stolen my innocence. And I didn't feel the will to fight him anymore.

"Juni?" Megan whispered once he had left. I just stared at the ceiling unable to look at her. I was disgusting, I was used and broken. He was right, no one is ever going to want me. And I feared no one would come for us. I rolled away from her and cried. I didn't hold it back and let my sobs ring out into the room.

"Juniper." A voice sounded in my head and I froze. Have I officially lost my mind? Was this the straw that broke my brains back?

"Juniper, you're not going crazy. My name is Elise. I'm your wolf." The voice said softly. I blinked a few times and confirmed with myself that I had gone insane.

"Juniper. I need you to do something for me. I need you to breathe and imagine yourself as a wolf. I'm going to get you two out of here. I promise." She said, my eyebrows knit together in confusion. A wolf? Like a werewolf? Am I-Am I a freaking werewolf?! No, I can't be. My parents are human!

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