Chapter 12

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Again, that temptress has left me hard as a rock and on my own. I sigh frustrated more than I was this morning. If I relieve myself again I'm afraid my dick will fall off. I sat back down at my desk and watched the SUV pull away from the drive, headed in the direction of the city. I was pulled back to reality by my office phone ringing.

I cleared my throat before answering. "Alpha King Kadence." I answer, my voice radiating power.

"Yes, Alpha King Kadance. That's your name. It had slipped my tongue for a moment there." The voice sneered and chuckled.

I growled at their disrespect, "Who is this?" I growl.

"Tsk Tsk. Alpha. So impatient. You know, I couldn't help but notice how Sexy your mate is when she walks. Her hips swaying so temptingly back and forth..." He spoke softly, but the threat was iminent.

I growled loudly into the phone, "Don't touch her. I swear to GOD I'LL HAVE YOUR FUCKING HEAD!" I yell losing my temper. How dare this imbicile threaten my mate.

"Now now Alpha. I don't want her quite yet. No, no. I'll wait until she believes she's better, until she takes your mind, heart and soul. Then, and ONLY THEN will I rip her from your grasp." He growled, "Don't forget about me, Alpha King." He sneered and the call ended.

I slammed the phone and threw it from my desk. "CHRISTIAN. MY OFFICE NOW." I growled through the link.

"Right away! Are you alright Kadence?!" He asked, worry clear in his voice.

"Just get here." I growled back.

Panic began to fill me as I realized Juniper was in danger. She was in the city and I couldn't reach my men that far out. What he said rang through my head over and over again. He wanted to break her after she had healed. But his ultimate goal was my throne. He wanted to destroy me and has effectively found out how to do it.

Christian charged into my office, concern lacing his eyes as he stared at me. It took everything in me not to go into a full panic. I took a deep breath and motioned for him to sit. I sat in my desk chair and put my head in my hands. How could we stop a man that we can't even identify?

"Kadence? What's going on?" He asked, his voice thick with worry. The last time I was this stressed out I had realized I'd have to face my father when I released his personal she-wolves.

"We have a major problem. Just listen please." I say before he can respond. "I found my mate, and before you ask, yes it's the she-wolf from the infirmary. She's completely flipped my world upside down and now someone is threatening to take her from me. She's fragile and absolutely terrified of me and I have no idea how to help her. She has only shifted once and doesn't understand our people or culture, and she has the mark of royalty. I just got a call from someone, they're watching her shop for clothes right now and said they will take her once she claims my heart, body and soul. Just to watch me crumble." I rushed out and took a breath to calm my racing heart.

Christian sat quiet for a moment processing what I've just said. "Say something Christian. Your silence is deafening." I mumble, unable to look at him.

"Well, Kade, I'm happy you found your mate. I don't really know how to help with how the relationship is going, but as far as the phone call goes, I've already asked that someone trace it. We will figure this out." He assured me and smiled a little as I looked at him.

I sighed and sat back and trusted my friend. We can catch this sorry SOB before he even gets the chance to make a move. I nod and ask, "So what now? We trace the call, find the sorry SOB and plan an attack?" I ask.

We have no idea how many rouges or pack members this man has. Though I would assume he would have already struck if he out numbered us. Then again that would be a bad play if he planned to take over. If you attack and kill us all there is no pack to take, only a throne.

"Yeah. We will make sure she is protected at all times and never leave her alone." He confirms. I nod in agreement and continue to ponder our options.

"Why don't we go for a run? Get you out of the office for a bit?" He suggests. A goofy smile on his face.

"Alright. Ready to lose again so soon?" I ask, knowing he's planning to race me.

He laughs loudly and slings his arms around my shoulder as we walk out of my office. "Not this time my friend. Just a good old fashioned run." He says and I smile.

We make our way downstairs and as we reach the door I feel a hand on my arm. "Hey baby." A shrill voice sounds. Veronica.

"Don't touch me Veronica, I told you we're done." I say as I shrug her hand off and walk out of the front doors, nodding to the guards as I go.

"Seriously Kadence? You're just gonna drop me for some wannabe she-wolf?" She yells stepping in front of me as I reach the bottom step.

"No Veronica! I'm leaving you for my MATE." I say loudly, the anger from just a moment ago fueling the fire.

"Come on my love, she's not worth it." She says as she puts her hand on my arm.

I angrily slap her hand away and yell, "Keep your hands off of me Veronica! I have found my mate, your future LUNA, and you WILL respect her! Get out of my face!" I yell, causing her to huff and run off.

As she leaves I hear car doors closing and look to the back window. Junipers face can barely be seen as the sun shines through it. Fuck. She saw me yelling. God I hope this doesn't set us back.

I fight the urge to run to her and wave to Christian, shifting into my wolf. We started off slow, jogging into the trees to the East. Then he bumped into my shoulder egging me on. I snicker and push myself as fast as I can. Dodging trees and jumping over logs as we go. Before I know we have reached the Eastern border. I turn to the right and look behind for just a moment to see Christian's wold Xavier on my tail.

I howl and continue to run, letting the wind blow through my fur. Westley feeling gleeful as we beat our best friend back to the pack yard. Again. It ends this way every time we race. Xavier just short of us as we run through the trees. I let out a howl of celebration, my success ringing through the air.

I shifted back just outside of the back door and grabbed the shorts I always store there. Never know when you'll need a late night run.

"So not fair dude! Your wolf is bigger than mine! You'll always be faster, there's no use in trying to fight the truth." He hufss out, and I can't help but laugh at his pouting face.

"Suck it up buttercup. I can't help that I'm better than you." I tease. Earning a punch in the arm.

We laugh together as we walk back into the house, and Juniper's scent tickles my senses. I want to go to her but I don't know if she even wants to see me. Not after what she saw.

"Go to her man. Just explain what happened. I'm sure she will understand." He says, slapping his hand on my shoulder.

I nod in agreement and warily head up the where our rooms are. Once I reach the hall I almost chicken out. I really don't want her to be afraid of me. I rub the back of my neck and realize I'm covered in sweat. And shirtless. As tempting as it is to tease her back right now, I'm not sure she could handle it.

I groan and walk into my room to take a shower, hopeful she won't plague me with her fear filled eyes again.

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