Chapter 11

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I practically ran back to my room, sliding against the door after I've closed it. I put my hand over my heart and sighed at its racing beat. As I sat there I heard water begin the flow, the sound coming from the direction of his room. He just showered, didn't he?

I gasped as I realized I may have caused him to need another. I let my mind wander a moment more and then heard the water cut off. I walked to the bed and sat down, pouting at the sweats and t shirt I still wore.

As much as I loved wearing his clothes, I needed my own. I groaned as I realized I'd have to speak with him again to ask if I could go home to get my things. As badly as I wanted to be home, Elise informed me that we would be living here. With our mate. Apparently that's how things are done in the werewolf world. I made my way to the door and stepped out, hoping he'd be forgiving about my show last night.

I knew he didn't mind it too much, considering his body responded as I had wanted it to. I walked by his room and noticed the door was open. A maid walked about inside and stopped when she noticed me.

"Hello Luna. Did you need something?" She asked politely.

"Where is..uh..Kadence?" I ask, unsure if I'm supposed to call him Alpha or not.

"Oh, he's in his office Luna. Would you like me to take you to him?" She asked, leaving the room as I nodded.

We walked down the long hallway towards the stairs when she suddenly made a left turn. I followed and realized that there was a hidden balcony that wrapped around the second floor. That way you could avoid the stairs.

I was grateful to find this out, especially since cardio is not my strong suit. We soon reached a double set of large wooden doors and she bowed, leaving me to my own devices. I took a deep breath and knocked on the rich, dark wood in front of me.

"Enter." His voice rang out, and I pushed one of the doors open. I struggled a bit as it was extremely heavy.

Inside of his office there were multiple bookshelves, all the same dark wood lined from left to right. He has so many books... His desk was black and he had two large monitors, two leather seats in front of it. There was a nice greay throw rug underneath and a reading nook at the window overlooking the eastern side of the house.

His eyes rose to me as I entered his office and his lips pressed into a thin line. "What do you need?" He asked curtly.

I frowned at the distance in his voice, but shook the hurt feeling from my body. "I need to go home and get my clothes if I am expected to stay here." I said, my voice strong but quiet.

He looked to me and raised his eyebrow, "What makes you think you're staying here?" He asks.

My face falls as he speaks. He's mad. He doesn't want me. This is it. He's going to send me home and I'll never see him again. I look down at my feet, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to assume." I say, my voice shaky.

His tone pained me, his words even more. I knew he'd realize it sooner or later. Today just happens to be sooner.

"Juniper. Please look at me." He speaks softly as I hear him get up from his desk. His footsteps approach me but I stare at my feet. The carpet around them is suddenly so interesting. "Juniper. Why won't you look at me?" He asks his voice growing irritated.

"Because I don't need to look at your face to understand the meaning behind your words." I whisper, my heart aching in my chest. Tears threatening to fall.

He chuckles and steps closer to me. Pulling my chin up so my eyes meet his. His fingers sending tingling through my body, his eyes devouring me.

"Juniper, I was kidding. You're mine. You're not going anywhere." He says as he leans in.

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