Chapter 15

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"K-Kade?" I stammer as his eyes scan over my naked body. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, growling as he exhaled. Sending vibrations to my heat.

His eyes opened and met mine. "You continue to tease me Juniper. I don't know how much longer I can hold back." He says as his eyes trail to my breasts.

I keep teasing him? "You're the one teasing me Kadence. I merely returned the favor." I said, confidence finding my voice.

His eyes snapped back to mine, the color beginning to swirl with hints of red. He walked to me and climbed over me, causing me to lay back on the bed.

"Me? Teasing you?" He growled as his lips met my ear, trailing slow and torturous kisses and nips to my neck.

All I had managed was a nod, my head swirling with his scent and the tension building as his bare chest touched my hardened nipples. I arched into him as he bit my sensitive spot, my fingers finding his arms as I scratched. Pulling him even closer to me. His lips on my skin set trails of fire in their wake as he kissed down my chest. His mouth found my nipple, sucking and pulling it with his teeth. A loud moan left my lips as pleasure soared through me.

"You want to know how you make me feel Juniper?" He snarled against my breast as his other hand pushed my hip into the bed.

I whimper, my eyes widening. What was he going to do? Doesn't he know he's been torturing ME this whole week? With his husky voice and naughty words, his shirtless chest, pulling me against his erection and telling me what he wants to do to me! But I'm the tease, right?

"Mmmm...I'm going to show you just how much you tease me Juniper. Then we will see who has been teasing who." He sneered as he pushed up from the bed. He towered over me as my hands instinctively moved to cover my breasts. In a slow, and painful movement he slipped his shorts off, his dick erect and ready.

I couldn't look away as the heady scent of his arousal mixed with mine. I wanted to lick that bead of liquid from the tip. "Don't move Juniper." He warned, and my eyes snapped to his in confusion.

So he's going to stand there naked and I can't touch him? Frustration was flowing through me as I understood what he wanted. I can't touch him, or myself. I just have to watch as he tortures me. Just like I've been doing to him.

My eyes snap back down as his large hand wraps around himself, a heady moan leaving his lips as he begins to pump. The tension builds in me and I can feel myself pooling. I want him, I want to touch him. I want to taste him so badly. But I do as I'm told and I don't move.

"You know what I'm thinking about baby?" He asks as he sucks a breath in through his teeth. His thumb running across his head.

"No, tell me." I respond my voice deeper and my lids droop with desire. I look to him and a smirk reaches his face.

He groans again as he picks up his pace his head lolling back. It is taking everything in me not to get up from this bed.

"Your beautiful legs on my shoulders, shaking as I pound into your tight hole over, and over, and over again." He says slowly scanning my face for a reaction.

I could have come undone just at that thought alone, and my mouth opened as my breathing became ragged. My hands gripping the sheets as I desperately tried to stay on the bed. I wanted that. I wanted it so badly. But I held steady and bit my lip. I watched as his hand continued it's quick pace. His hips jolting forward slightly as his hand began to beat to an uneven rhythm and I knew he was close.

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