Chapter 14

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I stirred from my sleep and felt extremely warm, almost too warm. But I relaxed when I felt the tingles across my skin. My back was still pressed to his rock hard chest and I felt giddy. We had slept in the same bed! I internally squeeled like a little girl.

The excitement bubbled inside of me as I slowly turned to look at his face. He was asleep, his breathing slow. His lips slightly parted and the wrinkle that seemed to plague the spot between his brows was gone. He looked so peaceful. SO hot.

I pulled away from him slowly, struggling to get his arm from around my waist. He's extremely strong, even while sleeping. I finally make my escape and take one last glance at his sleeping figure before I walk to my room.

I wanted to take a shower and put on one of the cute outfits I had bought. I wanted to impress him. But I also wanted to look a little bit sexy, you know, to catch his eye. I smirked as I walked to my dresser and picked the deep red matching panties and bra. He would definitely like these.

I walked into my closet and chose the black crop top t-shirt, and my maroon colored flare pants. To finish the look I slipped on my white Converse. I looked in the mirror and my jaw dropped when I realized these pants REALLY make my butt look good. I giggled and knew he'd melt when he saw me.

I went back to the bathroom and pulled my hair into a half pony. I applied liquid eyeliner in a wing and added some blush and mascara to finish. I felt sexy in this look.

"Oooh! He is going to be drooling when he sees you!" Elise laughed in my head, admiring my work.

"That's the hope." I link back, giggling.

I couldn't wait to see his reaction, but my nerves were definitely there. I took a deep breath to calm the butterflies and left my room. I made my way down the hall making sure to swing my hips a litte more than usual as I passed his bedroom. A moment later I heard his bedroom door open, and I didn't stop when I heard him growl.

Pride filled me and a smirk met my lips as I made my way downstairs. I was starving, and he wasn't going to hold me back from breakfast. I smelled bacon and my mouth watered. Forgetting about my teasing for the moment I followed the delectable smell to the kitchen.

"Good morning Luna. Would you like some breakfast?" A woman in an apron asked.

I smiled and nodded as she turned and began making a plate for me. "Thank you." I said when she set my plate down. I ate everything and it was amazing. The bacon was my favorite, so savory. I finished and left the kitchen and decided to go for a walk. I haven't seen most of this place yet, and I could use some fresh air.

I paused for a moment and looked towards Kade's office, I'm sure he's busy. But maybe he would join me...Ugh! Just do it Juniper! I scold myself for being such a chicken. This is the man I'm meant to be with for the rest of my life. I need to stop being such a scaredy cat.

I made my way to the stairs and started my climb, desperately trying to slow my breathing once I reach the top. I focus on breathing and not the butterflies in my stomach as I approach his office. I paused at the door and heard muffled voices.

He was meeting with someone, maybe I should come back. I twist my fingers as I think it over...No. I'll knock. He may need me.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

The voices inside went quiet and I could hear footsteps approaching the door. I took a step back and waited. When the door opened I saw the man from the day I first arrived here. He looked upset, or stressed, I wasn't quite sure which. His eyes widened when he saw me, then went hazy for a moment before he smiled.

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