Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1

It was just another night in Millerville, streets lit up with fairy lights and markets filled with people chit chatting and dancing. I have lived here ever since I was born and it's pretty accurate to tell that every single local here knows me. I was the kind of kid that used to stay less in the house and more on the streets just roaming around and greeting people. Well I used to get cookies and candies in return from shop keepers so any kid would love it. As much as I love this place, there's a disadvantage that there aren't much opportunities in this small town. For an architecture student, like me, there was no hope here so I decided to move out to a different place with a better college and so being told, I'm moving to THE FROSTFORD UNIVERSITY.

"Hey Miya,Kevin,Stella, dinner is ready, come on" dad called us. Us siblings had room upstairs, Me on the left side, Kev on the right and Miy, the middle one. I packed my last piece of clothing and zipped the suitcase. From my peripheral view I saw Kev watching me, peeking from my door.

"What's the matter,Kev?" "I don't want you to leave me sis, I want you to stay here" aw this baby is only 4 years old and understands everything. After my mom passed away, Kevin unknowingly helped me out of that depression. Playing with him, watching him learn new things, seeing him excited over being able to do new things for the first time and when he came running to me with those tiny legs telling that Miy scolded him. Ugh, as much as I love being able to move out and start everything newly, I can't shake off the thought that when my family will need me I'll be 12 hours away, soo far.

I held onto Kevin's hand and made it down to the dining room. It was fairly big house with 3 bedrooms up and 2 down. A hall which lead to the dining room and across the dining room was the kitchen. Every room had one washroom so it was never an issue of getting late for school because other sibling took long in shower lol.

"Excited,siso?" "Yes, I just will miss you all. Kevin's little notorious things, dad's cooking, your late night rants. Everything"

"It's just a matter of few years, sweetie" "Anytime you need us just call us and we'll be more than happy to make it up to you if you ever need us with you." Dad always knows what I need, what makes me upset. Guess it's just the thing in every daughter-father bond.

After dinner I went back to my room and lied down on the bed. Every lights off except the fairy lights in my room. I set an alarm for 5am and eventually drifted off to sleep.

The next morning went by faster than I thought and now it was time to leave for Frostford. Seeing my siblings soo sad really made me double think going but I knew it was stupid to not take the chance I got with this scholarship to study.

The flight was short as expected, it only took 1 hour. I didn't want to go by car since I don't have one and so my dad had to drive me there and again return back making it double journey so I took a flight.

Soon after landing, it just felt different. It felt like it was a different me, someone who now had a life of her own without her family who was with her in every step she took, someone who is determined to fulfil her dream. Someone who will make her parents proud.

I had a fanpage on Instagram when I was 15 and from there I made a friend, Andra. She even though wasn't an IRL friend, she understood me better than any other friend. She just happened to live here in Frostford and when I said her about my admission here she jumped in happiness and invited me to stay with her. I of course couldn't drop her invitation because then first I wasn't alone in this new city and second I need not have to search for places to rent.

When I exited the gates of the airport, it didn't take me more than a few seconds to spot Andra, she was pretty tall of some 5'9 and her bright blonde hair could be spotted anywhere. She ran towards me and hugged me soo tight, it felt soo good to finally meet her after soo many years of only chatting and face timing.

"Dude!!! Omg I can't believe we met, FINALLY!! Now istg I'll recreate all those friendship reels with you and we are gonna be the best duo!" her excited made me chuckle.
"I can't believe either and I'm soo glad to have you here with me. It really means a lot and to also offer to stay at your apartment is frosting on the cake."
"Nah girl, don't thank me for all this. It's a duty of a friend who is more like sister to me" she really is like a sister to me.
"Let's go now,shall we? I'm pretty exhausted because of the flight and less sleep last night" I said making a puppy face, I don't know what for I made it though.
"Yes sure." She said chuckiling.

When I say you that this apartment looks more decorated thana any museum, I fuckin mean it. From colour co-ordinated furniture to themed paintings. Such beautiful indoor plants and immensely clean furniture.

"If you look any longer at the same things then I'm pretty sure you'll start seeing this room in your dreams." We both started laughing at her comment. I needed this positivity in life!

The night passed away with us watching a movie till midnight and then going to our rooms. I fell asleep pretty easily that night.


I'm going to write long chapters so that you don't have to see all those advertisements in between reading and also so that it doesn't look like there's too many chapters. I'm trying my best to not make this book like the other college romances and also there's sweet friendships in this story. 


Fun fact, I actally have a very sweet friend whose name is Andrea too and I met her online from my fanpage. Even though I got the name Andra from google name generator, it matched perfectly to my situation. 


Okay bye, meet you again in the next chapter!

Make sure to like each chapter please:))

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