Chapter 21.

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Chapter 21

I was woken up by the sound of birds and waves. I yawned and got out of the bed. I looked for Hope and found him peacefully sleeping under the bed. I smiled and didn't disturb him. I brushed my teeths and tied my hair in a bun. I needed water desperately because of the beach weather which was quite hot after sunrise. I grabbed a glass of cold water and opened the sliding doors. Warm air rushed in and somehow it was soothing. I walked out of the door and stretched my body. It was 8am and because its my vacation so I didn't put alarm for waking up.

After about 15 minutes I went back inside and took a shower. I wore my bikini and before putting makeup and stuff I woke Hope up, he had to eat breakfast and it would take time so in that time I'll complete my other stuff.

He threw tantrums but upon '!!' He got up and ran behind me, I gave him his food and sat down beside him for sometime. Then I went back and put a little mascara and eye shadow. For lips I only put gloss.

After everything at 10 we went to the beach like the actual waters. Hope was swimming and running while I was splashing water and resting my head on the water while it reached till my mid stomach. The feeling of your hair floating itself felt relaxing.

Hope and I played with a dodgeball, I threw it in the water and he swam and got it and same the same. Once he was tired we sat down on the beach, I was pretty sure it would be a difficult work to clean him up but it was worth it, he was happy and seeing him happy made me happy.

While I was on one of the seats and sunglasses, I was going through a magazine.

I felt someone standing beside the bench so I turned my head and saw Auster, wait Auster? Am I imagining stuff? I closed my eyes and again opened but he was still there. He wore a blue shorts and black tshirt with black sunglasses.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked and got off the seat.
"Business meeting"
"Here??" Man this was soo clearly a lie.
"Yea, the resort is beautiful and perfect for setting up a light meeting" I nodded because it indeed was pretty.
"What are you doing here Este?"
"Vacation" I answered in one word and got back on the seat but sitting this time with my legs down reaching the ground. He was still standing and was actually close to me, this angle made him look intimidating, really.  He sat down beside me on the edge of the table.

"I actually didn't only come for meetings , I came here because I knew you were here." I knew something was fishy and it was this.

"How did you know?" "Secret shh"
"If you hacked my phone or something then I swear to God I'll sue you" He chuckled and it had been soo long since I had heard it ugh!!

"No because why are you here Auster?"
"I have a few things to clear out, I hate this bad blood between us" I shrugged and let out a breathe.
" There's nothing to clear, what happened in the past let it stay there. I don't want to remember it again."
"Give me one chance to explain ever-"
"Stop Auster, you could have stopped me before I stormed out of the room. You could have followed me and stopped me, you should have explained when I was in front you and instead you gave me a 'I did what I wanted to and just fuck off' look, there was not a single bit of guilty on your face. Ok enough, I don't want to recall about it anymore. We're over Auster, maybe as friends or anything. I didn't want to even see you again and it will be that way after this project and construction is over."
"I'm sorry Este, I was forced to do what I did." He let out a breath like he was struggling to tell what he wanted to. It looked like he too was scared to bring up that day's memories.

The sun was shining brightly and the wind was moving, binds were flying and some music was playing and people were dancing. To get far from him I got up and went towards the dance area.

People were grinding into each other, some looked drunk, some were kissing. I grabbed a glass of cocktail from a waiter and walked to the middle of the stage with people in their own world dancing around me, I sipped the drink and slowly moved my hips to the music. Within seconds I was into the music and the drinks did something in me. Nothing mattered around me.

I raised my hands slowly above my head and swayed my hips. I felt a pair of hands on my hip, I turned my head around while slowly bringing down my hands to the person's cheeks. I saw a pair of familiar emerald eyes and smiled. Within a swift motion I was turned around and his hands were holding my hips with both hands while mine were on his cheeks. It felt like everything had faded out around us and it was only us. He slowly caressed my cheek with one hand and then removed the strand of hair falling on my face.

"You were and still are the most beautiful person I ever met Este" His eyes moved to my lips and again my eyes and mine did the same and them his soft lips were on mine. It was like two puzzle pieces were put together perfectly. We moved in sync and I missed this feeling!

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