Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11

He stopped the car and I couldn't see outside because of the rain but I could see lights.

"Wait in the car, I'll get the umbrella" I nodded. I noticed the song playing was falling by Harry Styles and smiled because I guess I was falling for him. The lyrics partially matched, the "forget what I said" and "There's no one to blame" but I had someone here, I had Auster.

Just as the song ended my door opened and he felt out his hand, I took it and smiled at him. We stayed like that under the umbrella and looking at each other before moving ahead. He locked the doors with the button on his key.

We walked on a pavement and then turned to the left to a cobblestone road. It lead to a lit up decorated restaurant. It looked soo beautiful!

I didn't care about the rain and ran towards the restaurant, jumping on cobblestones and I could hear Aus laughing.

Once inside I checked my dress and it wasn't much wet. It looked decent. Auster locked his fingers with mine and lead me to an old woman at the counter. She looked up at him and her eyes lit up. I wondered who she was but figured Auster would tell later.

"Son, seeing you after soo long!" "You know my university is good two hours from here so I can't come frequently" he said pouting. He became like a child with her. "yea. Just be safe child" she said and smiled. Then her eyes drifted to me,

"Who is this beautiful girl, Ausy?" she said already making an expression of 'girlfriend?' and I giggled at his expression.

"Uh uh, her name is Estella and we study in same college." He said looking at me, he was slightly flushed.

"Girlfriend? Ah I see" The old woman said but I was quick to respond with no we're just friends. She gave us a sus look and let it go.

Auster and I walked towards a table that was a little higher than the others and a beautiful view of the backside of the restaurant. Backside was a lawn and at far you could see mountains, this was in a highway so on the front side it was view of the road. Even here light music was playing. The lights were dim yellow with bright chandelier on the ceiling in the middle. Every table had a table candle stand with 10 or 11 candles lit. We sat across each other and he light made him look like some greek god with beautifully sculpted body, messy black hair that had a few stands falling till his eyebrows, darkest shade of green eyes and extra intimidate stare.

"If you keep staring at me any longer then I'll be coming in your dreams now Este" he said chuckling and I pulled away my gaze.

I looked at the other side trying my best to not look at him but now he was looking at me,

"Now you're looking at me" "Because you look like an angel" I had turned bright red and tried my best to not show it on my face but he noticed and smirked.

"What makes you think that?" I asked him.

"Well there's a ton of things, starting with your looks to your kindness to your body to everything about you" I giggled and mouthed a thanks to him.

"Now aren't you the cutest?" I turned around to the old woman.

"I didn't get to introduce myself to you dear, I am Elena Klein and I was his mother's god mother" I looked at him and he gave me a nod. I had many questions but went against asking it.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Klein." "Just call me Elena dear" I smiled back and he ordered something which he apparently eats everytime he is here.

After some comfortable silence the food arrived and it already looked delicious, on tasting a little bit of it and moaned, it tasted sooo good. Auster smiled at my response.

After finishing eating we were about to leave when Auster said to wait, he ran to Elena and said something that was inaudible to me and handed her his camera. Man actually had a camera with him all this time I didn't notice it.

He came back and stood beside me and we looked at each other with his hands behind my back and SNAP! A picture was taken. I'm pretty sure that pic came out pretty romantic even without posing for it.

She handed him the camera and he showed me the pic, omg it was soo beautiful...I could preserve this forever in my heart.

He whispered in my ear and I was all red, he said "Here's to our first date" while showing me the pic. It didn't strike me that this could be considered a date and I didn't regret a bit of it.

We waved goodbye to Elena and walked out. It had stopped raining but it was still cold and wet outside.

Once in the car he drove back towards the city. It was 9pm and reaching home would be approximately 11pm as he said.


Aren't they soo cute!?

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