Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3

Next morning I groaned as the alarm rang. I didn't want to get out of this blanket. After some 10 minutes I finally got out of the bed at 4:30. I was less stressed today, I took a quick shower and put on my jogging clothes. Today I wore ankle length lavender color tracks which had cute flower designs on the pockets and wore a black hoodie that was not too heavy. It was comparatively cold today. Today's breakfast was sandwiches with coffee. I made the coffee since I felt bad because Andra was doing all the cooking. Once done and locked we headed to the premise, Andra said to go on as she had something to tell to Jeremy and that she would catch on with me. I just knew she was planning a date and smirked and went on to the jogs. After about a round I saw the emerald eyes guy joining me, he had such long legs that he reached me within seconds. I can't remember his name at all, I don't know why and it would be soo awkward now if he asks if she remembers his name. I mean its normal to tell that you can't remember but then he'll probably think I have short-memory or something.

"Morning." He said and it took me a minute to respond because of trying to remember his name.

"Good Morning" I said with a smile

"What was your name again?" Oh thank god he doesn't remember it either, now it's not awkward.

"It's Estella, and mind if you tell your name again...I kind of forgot." I said with a whole lot of hesitation.

He chuckled and his smile was like the most beautiful smile I had seen in my whole life. I already named his eyes as emerald and guess now I'm going to call his teeth as pearl.

"My name is Auster and can I call you Este if you don't mind, Estella sounds like Nutella." I swear I almost died of laughing at Nutella part and he was laughing too, I thought of a rhyming to his name and it sounded like,

" Well yes sure you can call me Este, no one called me that before but it sounds cute......and you know what, your name sounds like Easter" I said sticking my tongue out and giggling.

"Nice come back there Este" He said with a smile-ish smirk.

"There's no quite short form coming in my mind for Auster but I'll find one" I said with a little smile and he nodded with a smile in return.

When I saw his yesterday I thought him to be the bad boy kind of guy but he is literally soo comforting and goofy and its just soo fun to be around him. After talking for some time and I had lost count of how many rounds we jogged, his phone rang and after a minute my phone's alarm rang. We looked at each other and realized we have the alarm set at same time but someone's clock is slow. We both laughed at it and after arguing found that his was slow and not mine. I grinned as my victory and he just smirked..that goddamn smirk!!

"I have to change and them I have class in half an hour so I'll be heading out now Auster, it was fun with you here. Thanks" I said with a genuine smile.

"Don't need to thank me because it was good knowing you and it was fun as well. Bye Este. See you later" I waved and went towards Andra and said that I was going to get changed. She was playing football with Sebastian,Jeremy,Lisa and Benedith.

"I'll come too, I'm all sweaty and tired. Wait for me, I'll inform Jer and be back" I nodded and she ran to tell him.

She came back and put her arm around my shoulder and asked,


"Sooo?" She looked at me while walking and stopped.

"What was that little smirking-smiling-chatting there in the ground with that hot guy?" she said with a smirk, a constant smirk that never seem to leave her lips for the past minute.

"Nothing, just getting to know each other that's all" I said with a smile to make her believe it. She looked at me and gave a unbelieving look.

"I'll let it slide but YOU ARE TELLING ME RN IF YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!" I almost lost control of my foot at her sudden change in volume and we both laughed soo much to me falling and her screaming.

After changing into my class clothes I asked Andra if she was ready and she said yes. She wore a maroon turtleneck full sleeve top and a olive green colour pant which fit her perfectly and looked amazing on her. I wore a pink collar half sleeved top which had three buttons at top but I felt first two open and wore a boot-cut black denim, with ankle length black boots. My hair open as usual because I didn't like tying damp hair.

The first three classes were boring, the forth and fifth was still bare-able and the sixth was sports. Andra said that they mostly played basketball or football or dodge ball and things like that. I was okay with playing sports, I didn't suck at it and neither was excellent at it.

Two classes combine for sports as it is everywhere and here is was us and the batch 3 of seniors' classes. Well that was what was written in the time table to the board. I didn't know who were in batch 3 or even who was in which batch.

"Guess what..there my friend" I looked at where she pointed and spotted it was indeed the same group of boys that we meet everyday at the ground. I was good knowing that I know them but at the same time I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of them. A certain pair of eyes locked with mine, I felt like everything stopped around me and then a whistle interrupted the stare and Andra whispered,

"stop staring at him, dude. You're soo whipped bestie" I looked at her as if she said some foreign language,

"Nah, don't worry. I have had experience in controlling myself if I ever have a crush on someone-
..aaand before you ask me if I have a crush on him, I don't."

She looked soo disappointed as if she was rooting for us, wasn't she the one who was telling to be aware of seniors!? I guess there are exceptions. I said and laughed at my own thoughts.


Did you notice what I did there with their names ;) if not then, find the meaning of Estella in french to english and the meaning of Auster in Latin to English. Tell me in the comments.


Fun fact) I myself never eat such heavy things for breakfast, I always drink coffee as breakfast. I know its unhealthy to drink only that so I made my character eat well. hehe.


Okay bye..see you in next chapter.

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