Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8

Andra POV)

I knew Stella loved dogs and she always wanted one so I thought og bringing her to a dog park. When we reached there I told her to put a blind fold. Once we entered the park I removed the fold and the look on her face said that she was damn happy. Stella looked at me and hugged me tightly and ran off to play with the dogs. She became like a child around the dogs.

"Can we get one dog?" "NO!" "Pretty please!" "NO!" We kept doing this until Stella agreed to a no. It was fun watching her soo happy.

After a long day we returned back and Stella looked happy, it relieved me knowing that she is feeling better.

Estella P.O.V

I slept through that night holding the star pendant and looking out of the window. The full moon was visible from my window and it was looking like everything was telling "It's going to be alright".

I woke up before the alarm at 4am and took a long shower till 4:30. I wasn't feeling well today but Andra insisted on not missing classes. I wore my sweatpants and sports bra for now because I had plenty of time left. I baked some waffles and made fruit salad bowls, Andra was still asleep so I decided to surprise her in bed.

I quietly sneeked into her room and upon reaching her bed I screamed surprise. She almost fell off the bed, it was soo funny.

"Omg dude, I could have had a heart failure" "Hahahaha" "so, what's the breakfast in bed for?" "Just like that, for being an amazing friend maybe" I said with a big smile.

"Yumm...dude get over that ice cream parlor job and become a chef" "haha funny, I guess I'd burn down the kitchen but thanks."

I didn't want to go for jog in the school today so I searched up nearby parks and found one only five minutes far. I didn't tell Andra anything such and she only knows that I'll be home today and not go for jog.

The park was beautiful, really. I put on my headphones and the first song that played was Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift. It made the mood even more aesthetically pleasing.

After an hour I went back to apartment and took a shower, it was only 7 so I had 45 minutes left, I took time with deciding what to wear and chose a washed blue full length denim with sleeveless white knitted top, it had pearl beads on it and looked soo cute. I put on a matching cardigan and a golden pendant. I left my hair open and I looked soo comforting. Upon rechecking my bag and grabbing my phone and keys I headed out locking the door.

I played songs on headphone while walking towards the campus. Roslyn by Bon Iver was the first song that played, I absolutely loved it and the last song was From the Dining Table by Harry Styles. He is my absolute favourite artist.

I was tensed to go greet Andra as she was with Jeremy and he was with his group so I directly went to my class. Andra joined me later and smiled at me. The professor was explaining but it felt like some foreign language, even though I tried to understand nothing went in my mind. I groaned and started drawing small figures on my notebook. When the class ended Andra pulled me with her telling that I always get lost.

"I don't but okay." "yes, you do get lost and then I never find you" I giggled and said a okay.

She apparently wanted to go see the basketball match that was going on between our school and some other school but I refused multiple times. She gave me a puppy eyed look and ugh I had to agree.

We sat on the fourth row front the down and it had clear view of the players, Jeremy noticed Andra and he had a huge smile on his face. They are sooo in love hehe. Andra was all red blushing.

Except him no one else noticed us there so the green eyes were never laid on me, at least yet. It was half time and everyone was talking among themselves. I turned to look at Andra and she was chatting with Jeremy on phone, he was literally 4 rows far and here they are. Couples.

Even though I didn't want to look at Auster, my eyes searched for him. When I spotted him, he was talking with the coach. I wanted him to at least look at me but that would be selfish since I was soo rude to him yesterday. I again turned my eyes away towards anything but him.


I'm now confused to whether bring them on good terms or to keep the tension going!!


I really loved that white set of cardigan and top...I wish I knew where to buy it.


Byee...see you in next chapter!

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