Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17

After a while I looked back to check on Hope and saw that the two dogs were playing but Auster wasn't where he was earlier.

"Searching for me, Este?" I jumped at his voice. He was standing behind me with his mouth near to my ear. When I turned around he moved back a little. I glared at him and he smirked at me, I don't know what for.

"I don't want to talk to you and neither see you" I said with a straight face and same pitched calm voice. I started walking again in front but he caught up and started walking with me.

"Are you still upset at me?" could you stop Sir?! I really don't want to talk to you.

"No your majesty I'm HaPpY at you" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"I said it sarcastically! Yes I'm still and will be upset with you"

Before he could tell anything I pretended to have to do a phone call. In reality I was just making an excuse.

"Hope! Come on" he didn't stop running and because he was enjoying I opted to stay a little longer and sat on a bench.

Auster slid beside me, I didn't tell anything since this was a public property and until he does something making me uncomfortable, he could sit.

"You named him Hope?" I nodded and looked at the happy dogs.
"What's your one's name?"
"Mhm...coco is short for chocolate"
"cute, you like chocolates?"
"Not much...but I like the color" he said looking at me.

I turned away looking towards the sky and folded my legs to my chest.

After some comfortable silence I looked at my phone and saw it was 10pm.

"Hope, come on" I said and when he didn't move I slowly got out of the chair and walked towards my mischievous son. I patted on his head and put the leash, before leaving I pat Coco's head and coco was soo sweet, he basically licked my entire face and that made Hope jealous. Hope started pulling me and it made me chuckle. I took my bag from the bench and was about to leave but Auster caught my wrist, I looked back and stood there confused.

"Forgive me Este, whatever I did was for your good" he looked at me with sad eyes.

"I should get going its late already" I pulled away my hand and left the park. All the way home all I could think was of him and after going home I took a long shower to remove the thoughts. I got out and wore a comfortable pair of red shorts and top.

*play the song mentioned above while reading the parts from here*

I put on headphones and played my favorite playlist, grabbed some coffee and sat on my balcony. The swing moved slowly and I rested my head on the sides. All the flashbacks were coming back in my mind.

The first day we met, when I saw those green eyes for the first time and named them 'emerald' eyes.

The time we talked and laughed while jogging, when we had given each other nicknames.

The first time we shared our secrets to each other and sat there on the bench under the tree.

The first time I got in his car.

The first time we fought in the washroom and then we didn't talk for straight up three days.

The day when he saved me and kissed my forehead. The photo we took, our first date.

I opened my gallery and under the folder 'college' I still had that photo.

The first time we kissed and made out.

All those eye locking and lip locking. All those shred tears and laughs. Everything played in my mind like a recap video.

I shut my eyes and remembered the last time I saw him,

The time in the washroom with some other girl and no regret in his eyes, he didn't even try to justify or stop me.

That last memory was enough to keep me from falling in love with anyone. Every relationship starts happy but ends with your heart broken, I am content with my life and can't take another such heartbreak.


I started crying while writing this part, it felt like the memories were actually mine and I could feel the pain of remembering them :(

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