Chapter 25.

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Chapter 25

"Where are we going" I kept chirping in the car and he just wouldn't tell. "Stop acting like a child" he laughed and I pouted.

"Ok atleast a little hint?" he looked at me and almost said something but then said a no laughing. I gave up and looked outside the window at the lights.

"Can I play music?" "go ahead" "ypu still have the same playlist as before?" "yea, just a few new ones are added" "great!"

I played and the first song was a rap and I didn't like raps so I skipped it, next was End Game by Taylor Swift and that was all I needed to get extra happy.

"I don't wanna touch you-" "I don't wanna be-" "just another ex love" "you don't wanna see" "I don't wanna miss you" "I don't wanna miss you" "like the other other girls do" we sand the entire way like this to many many songs and when the time passed I couldn't even notice.

"Is this a masquerade ball!?" "yes, my love" "Omg!!" I started my childish excitement thing.

He handed me a silver mask and he wore a black one. "Come on!" I grinned and he opened my side door and held his hand. This was legit a rich party. There were tons of expensive cars and expensive dresses and stuff. I felt weird all of a sudden, I didn't wear anything that branded and was never surrounded by soo many rich people. I must have tightened my grip on his hand and he noticed my discomfort.

"Look at me Este" I turned and looked at him. "Don't worry, I will always be there by your side" He said and kissed my forehead.

It was beautiful inside and Auster by my side I felt like some royalty, people greeted him and he basically just nodded. After a while a woman came and hugged and Auster, I felt a pint of jealousy. She was pretty, thin like some model and tall. She started talking to Auster like I wasn't even there. Here we go again. After a while he finally realized that I didn't know who she was and introduced.

"This is Estella, my girlfriend" I turned at him as soon as I could, Girlfriend?! "and this is Anna, um" "his ex" I again turned towards the girl as soon as I could. What the fuck is happening? Didn't he just say that he never loved anyone after me!? Ok I'm done. I was about to turn away but the girl said stop. I turned in the most annoyed dramatic way. "He is my step brother, Estella" She said laughing. I turned to Auster and he nodded smiling.

"Why did you lie?" I felt soo embarrassed right now!!!!

"To see if you would get jealous" Anna said. Ugh this family! I blushed because I did get jealous and then we walked away towards the bar.

" do you like the party?" "It's amazing and elegant" I said honestly. "yea? Glad you liked my party." "Your party?" I almost choked on my drink.

He started laughing and nodded. "Why are you throwing a party?" "Oh you'll see" "yea right? I don't get any answer except SURPRISE" I said rolling my eyes. "You still look cute when you roll your eyes" "Stop! It's soo nostalgic" I said waving a hand and giggling.

"Wanna dance?" "sure why not" I got off the stool and held his hand. I made my way to the dance floor and slowly stood directly under the mirrorball. I whispered in his ear standing on my toes' "I'm like a mirrorball, I'll show you every version of yourself tonight" winking. He looked above my head and laughed and then again looked into my eyes and said " I'm a mirrorball, I can change everything about me to fit in to be your perfect dream husband" I giggled and looked down. Once dancing to the song and looking into each other's eyes for who knows how long. I asked, "Was that a proposal Mr.Frost?" "Would you say yes Miss. Blosson?" "Ah maybe I'd like take a few minutes to make you nervous and then I'll say yes" I said semi-laughing and semi-smirking. He smirked back and then the song the night we met started playing. I remembered the day when we went to the restaurant and it was raining outside and I thought of our memories.

I remembered, the first time we met. I was lost in his eyes, like forests and emeralds. I felt such comfort with him when we jogged together and laughed soo much. That day when we sat under the tree and talked and talked for hours and when he drove me home. The way he trusted and cared for me. The memories at the restaurant and the picture we took and the many many more memories. I looked at Auster's eyes and said it loud this time, last time I had whispered in his car that was not even audible to him,

"I love you Aus" I said smiling and with tears in my eyes.
"I love you more Este" then the lights went shut and after about two seconds the light fell only on us from the mirrorball.

Before I could function what's happening Auster kneeled down in front of me, I had real tears rolling down my eyes and a huge smile on my face. I had both my palms on my mouth covering it.

"My dear Este, my love, my everything. I have had my best memories with you, I find my comfort in you, my happiness is linked to yours. Seeing you makes my heart skip beats and when you're not around I feel lost, like a sailor without the pole star. We're like evenings when both sun and stars are together and make the sky complete. You're the missing part of my puzzle and you complete me. I love you infinitely and always will. Will you be mine and marry me, my morning star?"

"Yes!....Yes yes yes!" I ran and hugged him and then kissed him. I felt complete, I felt my story complete.

He put the ring in my finger and we both smiled. Everyone clapped and eventually the light lit up everywhere. "You said you would take 2 minutes before answering?" I laughed and looked in his eyes, he removed the hair falling on my face and tugged it behind my ears. "It's not worth making you wait, my love" We put our foreheads together and danced along to the music.

After a lot of dancing and my constant happy tears falling, we got in the car and came back. I held his hand and walked along the beach. It was dark and the stars lit up the sky.

"You had this planned all along?"
"yes, after you let me explain myself to you and you believed I knew there was chance, even if a slight bit. I loved you ever since high school and saw dreams of marrying you almost every day, of us being husband and wife and starting a family."
I smiled and kissed him. 

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