Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5

I was exhausted, I didn't feel this tired in the game because of the excitement but now I feel it. After stashing everything in my bag and carrying it out of the locker room, I sat on a bench a little far from the locker rooms and near the pool area. The sunlight reflected soo beautifully on the open pool. This was not the main pool, that was indoor, this pool was mainly for the summer season. The cold breeze was soo soothing after the shower and my hair moved like waves in a ocean. Mostly everyone had left already and the campus was silent with only few chatters around and sound of the leaves moving on the ground with every wave of wind. A few flower petals fell on me from the tree above the bench. It was pale pink color with dark pink on the center part, it smelled soo good. I could have sat here in the silence for days but a familiar voice decided to break the silence,

"Hey there Este, why are you still here?" "The weather is pleasant today and I don't want to do the homeworks given so I didn't want to go back to the apartment." I said and looked behind me where he was leaning against the side of the tree. The golden hour light of the sun lit up his skin soo beautifully. His tan was looking more dark under the light and it was indeed mesmerizing.

"Hmm, mind if I sit there?" I nodded a no and said him to go ahead. He sat next to me but we had a gap of my bag in between us. Now that even he was here, I could stay in this moment forever. There was just something about him that soothes me.

When he looked at me, his eyes caught my attention. It was lighter in color than other times. It was a green shade of sea green. I wish my eyes were as beautiful as his. Mine are just a dark shade of brown which almost looks like black.

"Did you play in basketball team in previous school?" "No I didn't" I said with a chuckle.

"What made you think that though?"
"You played well today, the way you took the ball from Seb was impressible, he is the second best player in the group."

"And you are?" "I am what?" I said that I meant to ask who was the best player in the team. He smirked and said me to guess the name. Even though I knew it was probably him himself but still I wanted to play around, it was fun watching him laugh.

"Ben?" "Noo" he said with a surprising look.
"Jeremy?" "hmm, he is good but not the best one" Jeremy was actually good if not like Sebastian and Auster.
"ummm,Alex? He is hot!" I said with a smirk and man he was ready to tell a list of things why Alex isn't hot.

Finally I felt bad for playing around with him after telling random player names for the fifth time,

"I know you're the best one in the team, Auster. I was just playing with you." I said with a smile-y chuckle.

"Really?" he said with a little head tilt and I nodded with a small laugh. "And do you still consider Alex hot?"
"That was to play around with you too, he might be hot but not my type. He is too ignorant for me and perhaps I ain't his type either."
"He is a player, no girl like you deserves a person like him." "You know, people tell the entire team including you are players?"

"I wouldn't disagree completely with my part, I was a player till last academic year. After a heartbreak I chose to not be in relationships and just do one night stands to fulfil my needs." "I regret doing them now and haven't been close to any girl since the starting of this year."

It hurt me a little knowing that he doesn't consider me close even after talking soo much with each other and sharing soo many things but I guess it takes a lot more to get close to someone.

"What made you change yourself?" He looked at me as if he was debating with himself if or not to tell and then turned his head straight towards the pool and I could see his jaws tightening, it was sure personal and I shouldn't be asking.

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