Chapter 20.

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Chapter 20

Next morning I made breakfast, took a shower and wore my outfit for the drive. I wore white trousers and full sleeve top. Matched it with a black basketball cap and small gold necklace. To feel comfortable I wore a pair of white and black sneakers.

Once in car I put Hope on the front passenger seat and put down the roof of the car so that the breeze could soothe the summer heat. "Ready Hope?" He looked at me though he didn't understand what I said.

After an hour of driving I took a break and again drove another two hours and reached the resort. "Excuse me, there's a reservation under the name Estella Blossom here." "Just a second, ma'am....yes ma'am. Please follow me."

The resort was mesmerizing, surrounded by trees and each guest had their own house like resort by the beach. The golden hour's light entered through the windows and it was soo angelic. I sat on the couch which had a view of the huge glass viewing the sea and light entered through it. I was drinking red wine and resting my head on the crook of the couch. The fire place was burning and the waves were hitting the shores. The mixed south was aesthetically pleasing.

At around 7pm I got out of the house and looked around, there were seats by the beach with fairy bulbs above them connecting and stretching for as long as your eyes could see clearly. A few were empty so I chose to sit on the one nearest to me. Hope sat on the sand even though I allowed him to sit on the seat. A waiter served a cocktail, I was drinking it and looking at a couple a little far from us playing in the water. It was about to be dark and a little light from the evening was still brightening the place, the couple looked soo happy. I smiled at the sight and again turned around looking at the waves hit the shore. When it was finally dark I got inside and changed my clothes, I wore a red bikini and an oversized white shirt on top of it before on the beach and now changed it to a long white skirt and a matching crop white top. I put my phone and the keys in a small bag that looked like half circle in shape for dinner.

Once I ordered and sat down I went through my dms, a couple of them were from my office group, 2 from Miya, 1 from dad, 1 from my boss, 1 from my neighbor and 5 from Auster. Seeing 5 messages made me curious about what he texted and I opened it first.



sent at 9am

I am going on visiting the site, mind joining?

sent at 12pm

I just got to know from your assistant that you're on leave.

Are you alright?

sent at 12:30pm

Hey, I'm worried now, are you alright?

sent at 2pm

Ok, text me whenever you want to. You must have been ignoring my texts. Hope you're okay.

sent 5pm

I scoffed at his texts, as if he even cared. If he did then he should have proved that years ago.

I'm fine.

Delivered 8pm

After the dinner I sat there for some while before walking out and strolling through the beach, touching the water only till my fingers. Hope was enjoying the water jumping and running with the waves moving and I laughed watching him playing and looking soo amused by the waves. Whoever had said that solo trips are boring were soo wrong.

At around 9 the beach started clearing out. I loved watching the water and stars so I sat down on one of the seats. After some time my phone ringed. I picked it up to see Auster facetiming. I cut the call immediately. I came here in first place to get a break from seeing him and he is facetiming me. He called again and I declined again. After 5 times doing the same thing I blocked his number. Only till this trip was over.

Once I changed back to shorts and top I went to bed. It was 12 in the midnight and I was damn tired from all the driving and strolling so I fell asleep quickly. Hope slept on the end of the bed and I kissed his head as usual and offed the lights.

A phone call woke me up, it was still dark outside so I checked the time and saw that its 2am. Who would call me at this time? I picked up the call, it was an unknown number and the first thing I heard was a lot of chattering and music. It sounded like a bar and cut the call thinking that someone must have drunk call me by typing the wrong number. Again the phone rang and I picked it up annoyed.

"Yes?" the irritation was clear in my voice.
"E...Essste?" What the fuck!? Why is he calling that too when he's clearly drunk and that too from an unknown number.
"Why are you calling me and that too at 2am Auster?"
"Whehyre aare you" I heard him asking for another shot in the background.
"Auster listen, don't drink anymore, go home. Call your driver and go home. You are very drunk."
"No!" I could imagine him waving his hand as a no.
"Auster I'm calling your assistant and please go home, and don't drive on your own." Even though it shouldn't have bothered me much yet I felt concerned about him.
"Put the phone on loud speaker and hand it to the bartender"
"Yes?" The unfamiliar voice asked.
"I'm assuming you're the bantender." "Yes" "Please don't give him any more drinks and I will call someone to pick him up, till then please keep him seated there." "yes ma'am sure" "Thank you"

He handed the phone back to Auster and I could literally hear him drunk way above what he should have.

"Stay seated Auster, I'll call Tom to send a driver and pick you up, till then don't you dare move." "oKaY mommy" he said giggling. I scoffed and called his assisteance Tom. He picked up at the first call and I told him everything about his call. He said he'll pick him up himself and message once he's home and I thanked him. I have no idea why I did all this but anyways I again drifted off to sleep.

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