Chapter 13

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Chapter 13.

Next day I woke up to alarm at 4:30 am. I stretched my arms and it hit Auster straight to his chest.

Surprisingly he was already awake. "Morning, Este" "Morning!"

I sat up and leaned against the bed shelves beside him. His morning hair looked soo cute so I ruffled it and giggled at his ducking to prevent me from messing up his already messed up hair.

"I need to change for runs" "I doubt you will even be able to walk today let alone run" "Is that a challenge?" "Take it however you want" she said with a smirk.

To prove that I can walk I got out of the bed, damn my legs feel numb and it actually ached to even stand let alone walk and let aone run but to win I walked till my shower and peeked behind from the door and gave a wink to him.

After showering I came out wrapped in a towel and searched for what to wear today. While I was looking for an outfit, he hugged me from behind with his head on the crook of my neck.

"Wear something blue today." "Blue? Hmm...okay let me look"

I searched and found a cute blue knitted dress with a brown belt around the waist. I looked behind me and he nodded with a smile.

I went back to the washroom and changed into it. It was turtleneck mid-thigh length dress with full sleeves. I got out and looked he had put on his previous night's clothes and we agreed on stopping at his house first and then going to campus.

I put on my thigh lenth black boots and put some lip gloss. Well it was of no use because next moment is was gone with a kiss.

I locked the door and we headed towards the café where his car was parked. We got in and he drove us there. He had a huge apartment with two levels connected with a staircase and five of my and Andra's apartments could easily fit in here. I sat on the sofas of the living room when he went to change. I sat there looking out of the window. It was a sky scraper so we were very high with city view down.

After a while Auster came down and said something to the cook and the breakfast was served. Aus tilted his head towards the table and I jogged to the table. He put a hand behind my back and kissed the side of my forehead. His kisses were soo relaxing.

We sat down next to each other on the table. We were served with chicken and waffles with juice of your choice, I chose orange while he chose apple.

"You look amazing Aus, as always" "Thanks, that's the first time you have said it out loud", we both chuckled and continued eating. He wore black tshirt and black skinny jeans with grey coat.

Once we reached school, together in same car, everyone's eyes were on us and it was legit awkward. We went to the ground where everyone hangs out and I hugged Andra who was staying with Jeremy for his birthday.

After some talking we went to our respective classes and then at the last hour to decorate for Christmas. The tree was almost done and now we were arguing over who should put the star, it was me and some guy who I got to know through this decoration thing. Stone paper scissor was going to decide,

Stone paper scissor (scissor-scissor) it was draw, again,
Stone paper scissor (paper-paper),again,
Stone paper scissor (stone-scissor) I won!

Now it seemed easy but climbing up that ladder was frightening, upon finally reaching the top and putting the star I looked down and man a fall from here was enough to kill you. I got down carefully till last 7th step but then slipped. I was soo ready to fracture or die but I didn't fall. I opened my eyes and saw that Mr.Emerald eyes had caught me.

I jumped off his arms and whispered a thank you. A few eyes turned towards us but no one bothered much.


I'll be skipping time in next chapters because now you know they're together and they're all mushy splushy kissy.


Hope you're enjoying it :)

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