Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2

Today was day two here and Andra had shown me around to the important places that I need to know and we went for a little shopping. Apparently this university had all the rich father's rich children going and honestly it was expected and that they always wore very fashionable things. Though Andra insisted on buying a lot mid-thigh length skirt, I refused. I was comfortable with wearing them around my home town but here it felt a little uncomfortable since everything is new. Tomorrow would be my first day in Frostford university and I was damn nervous. Double checking my things to making sure I have the right clothes set out on the chair to everything. Andra said to chill out but it's easier said than done.

After dinner and talking about a lot of things we took the conversation to the couch. Andra talked about her boyfriend who is in senior year right now and how he is very supportive and handsome. She also warned me to not get in close proximity of any senior when she's not around.

"Some of them have the ability to expel anyone from the school just by making a call, you know rich people so I try to stay as much as possible out of their matters and away from them. Even though Jeremy asks me to hang out with them I prefer to not, and I'm soo glad he understands why. He himself is scared of few of them. Seniors are filled with rich people who even wear rubber bands of Gucci" "lmao what?" We both slightly laughed. "yeah well rest all the things I will show you tomorrow and we have three same classes together out of six so it'll be fun. Go to sleep and don't worry at all, I'll be there." She rose up from the couch and gave me a flying kiss that I returned and she pretended to duck from the kiss jokingly and later said I love you.

Night passed quickly and my alarm rang at 4:15am. I always like jogging after waking up to freshen myself so I had already asked Andra for a place and she said that the university itself has a ground for stuff like that and apparently people go there, by people I mean students, for morning jogs and practices and then directly change in the locker rooms and goes to classes. I didn't want to go alone on the first day or first week so Andra agreed to go with me. The premises open at 5 and class starts at 7:45 so I had plenty of time to eat breakfast and get ready. I got out the bed and took a bath and put on a black track which fit me perfectly and me look tall surprisingly because most of the clothes make me look short even though I'm 5'6. I matched the black track with a black sports bra and wore a thin white crop top on top of it. For the hair I tied it in a messy ponytail and left a few strands lose here and there on the front. I was pretty satisfied with my look and headed to my bag to fill the clothes for my class today. I chose a white denim shorts which Andra chose for me yesterday, It was not hugging my thighs tightly which I liked and it reached till my mid thigh and for the top I chose a blue plain top that would be tugged in the shorts. The top was the most beautiful colour of blue and I loved it. For my shoes I packed a pair of white sneakers to match with my shorts. And Andra insisted on wearing her gold pair of necklaces that was a set of a short chain and a heart pendent that was slightly longer than the chain reaching just a little below my collar bone.

Once everything was packed and ready, I checked the books and headed to the dining area. It was already 4:45 now and Andra was setting up the tables and once done she poured some orange juice and served the breakfast she made. It was pancakes with maple syrup and orange juice.

Once done with eating and picking up our necessary items from the house she locked the rooms and walked towards the university. It was only a 7 minutes walk so we chose to walk rather than to take the car. Once there we put on our ID cards for verification at the entrance and once done we were in the premises. It was indeed one of the most beautiful architectures with long roads to the building with plants around it and well what not.

"Liked it?" Andra asked and I shifted my eyes to her, I didn't realize I was staring at the premises for soo long. "Yes! How could someone not like this?" I said with a huge smile on my face. She navigated towards the ground and holy shit once we reached there all I saw was this huge ground with tracks and a few shirtless boys stretching and jogging and girls who were soo thin that they could literally fly with the next wave of wind. Sorry for calling them out as thin but well I felt bad for not having a thin figure like those in magazines.

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