2.i know you

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It's the morning after your first night at the madrigal house. after Dinner Alma ask for your help. You agree and follow her up to her room.

"Can you tell me who this is?" she ask and hands you a photo

you look and it's you, Cecilia, pedro and Alma smiling.

"oh.. uh" you say not knowing what to say

"how? you can't say it's not you. it's rare for someone to have two different eye colors. "she ask sitting down

you sigh and run a hand through your hair knowing you can't get out of this.

"you met me on my 2nd chance of life with my soulmate... yes my name is (y/n) (L/n). I was once sick and seeked the help of someone who did black magic. I didn't want to die and leave my wife Annie alone. so the woman did something but by cheating death I had to watch my belove age and die. i searched for the woman who cursed me and she explained I can't age or die until i break a couple of times watching my love die without me. I lost Annie at age 78, I lost Cecilia at 22, I lost Alicia at age 35 and now it's Mirabel. She exactly like Annie so I'm hoping this is my last time and I don't have to watch her die." you explain.

"so you've been looking for the same soul in different bodies all this time?" she ask

"yes..This is the first time meeting someone from my past. it's interesting " you explain

Alma nods and takes the time to process everything.

"so we keep this between us amigo. well us and Dolores." she said

"oh yeah i forgot she can hear everything. " you say

"maybe Bruno can tell us something. " Alma suggested

"i don't know if i want to meddle in the future. " you tell her

she nods understanding. she ask you about Annie and you smile. You go get your photo album and bring it over. you show her pictures of you and Annie as teens and some drawings of you both that you've done. She notice how Mirabel is a splitting image of Annie. then she sees the photos of you and cecilia and she smiles. she remembers those days. you then show her Alicia and sigh.

"she wasn't convinced I was with her long ago. she thought i was crazy. she loved me but I couldn't convince her the truth. " you explain

"she looks happy with you"

"oh she was. She still had the soul that loved me all those years ago. I don't think I'll tell Mirabel unless it's obvious i'm not aging. " you explain

she nods and you two catch up on what life has been like. she told you how she held on to her family too tight and the miracle but now she's easier after casita was destroyed. you smile sadly at her knowing it's hard to learn from your mistakes. you give her a hug and it feels like time switched to when you was with Cecilia. you look and see a young Alma then in a flash you are back to the present.

"did you see that?" you ask

she shakes her head no.

"maybe i need some air. it's good to catch up with you amiga"

You kiss her cheek and head out. you stand outside and take a deep inhale. you see Dolores looking at you. you wave and she gives you a small wave.  you see Mirabel and you smile.

"oh (y/n) hey!" she says

you see she has a lot of rolls of fabric that's about to fall out her hands. you go over and help her

"thank you " she said smiling

"you're welcome "

"you know you seem so familiar..." she said looking into your eyes.

"maybe we met in another life " you half joke

"maybe.. bet we was best friends in that life. " she smiles big.

"yeah... what's all this fabric for?" you ask

"oh i wanted to just make some outfits" she explains.

you follow her inside and to her room.

"where would you like these?" you ask

"oh on my bed is fine." she tells you

you nod and set them down. you notice a few sketches for dresses on her desk.

"woah these are amazing" you said looking at them

"aw thank you... i'm actually stuck on a design" she admits.

she shows you.

"may I?" you ask picking up a pencil

she curiously nods and you edit the sketch she's stuck on and she's amazed by not only your drawing skills but your attention to detail on the design

"that's actually so beautiful"

"thank you... i uh like to draw. " you admit smiling

"well maybe you can sit in here and draw while I work on some dresses.. I'd like the company"

You nod and go get your sketch book. you come back and sit on a chair in her room. you smile at her and she gets to work. you glance at her and start to draw her working. She will always be your muse in whatever body.

"so do you like it here?" she ask you randomly

"I do... i think im going to stay" you tell her

you can see her smile and you can't help but smile too.

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