10.baby announcement

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Mirabel said she had a surprise for you today. you sit and wait on your bed as she hurried off to get something. you nervously play the the strings on the end of your ruana. what could she be getting?

Mirabel opens the door a bit and peeks her head inside the room.

"okay close your eyes"

you chuckle a bit thinking it's cute and close your eyes. you hear movement and feel Mirabel put your hands flat out in front of you. you feel her put what feels like a nice soft fabric in your hands.

"can i open my eyes now?" you ask

"wait.. i'm nervous " she admits

"i won't hate anything you give me" you said

"okay.. open" she said.

you open your eyes and in your hand is two pairs of baby booties and two onesies.

"baby stuff?" you ask confused.

"yeah.. um i'm pregnant with twins" she said

your eyes widen and you just stare at the stuff. you are instantly terrified. yet you are also happy.

"(y/n) amor.. can you say something?" Mirabel said now nervous.

you put the things on the bed and stand up. Mirabel watches your every move. tears start to form in her eyes as she thinks you are about to leave.

"i love you and the babies" you tell her

you hug her and she starts to cry. you rub her back as she grips on to your ruana.

"what's wrong?" you ask her

"i-i thought y-you was going to l-leave" she said in between sobs.

"i would never leave you. i love you too much mi vida. " you said

you help her to the bed and you both sit together.

"i'm so sorry. i was just really shock and didn't know what to say " you inform her

she doesn't let go of you and you just rub her back.

"i love you " mirabel said

"i love you too forever and always. "

"Dolores is the only one who knows. i think mami and abuela know but they haven't said anything. " Mirabel said

"want to tell everyone today?" you ask and play with her curls


you smile and kiss her head. there is a knock and Dolores comes in.

"it's time for lunch. "

you both thank her and hold Mirabel's hand. she squeezes your hand and you smile at her.

"let's go mi vida" you said

you go sit for Lunch and everyone is making small talk. Mirabel gives you a look and you know what it means right awua.

"um everyone we have an announcement " you said

everyone looks at you and Mirabel.

"Im pregnant.. with twins" Mirabel said excited

everyone says their congratulations and you kiss Mirabel's head.

"oh my baby is having babies" Julieta said

she hugs Mirabel who hugs back

"how'd you get pregnant?" Antonio ask innocently

everyone looks at Pepa and Felix expecting them to explain it to their son.

"oh uh .. pepi care to explain?" Felix ask

Pepa glared at her husband before looking at her son.

"Tonito.. um when two people love each other.  they.. pray together and a magic seed comes and the mommy has to eat it. then the baby or babies grow. " Pepa tries to explain

"oh okay.. so i get new friends" Antonio said excited.

Everyone seems relieved Antonio took that explanation.

"we are going to be tias" Luisa said to Isabela excited.

you smile hearing the sisters talk about what they want to do with the babies. you all enjoy lunch together.

"(y/n) may we speak ?" Alma ask

"si.. i'll be back. " you said to mirabel

you walk with Alma up to her room.

"i'm happy for you amigo.. how are you feeling?" Alma said

"i'm happy.. but nervous. i don't know what to expect. " you admit

Alma nods understanding you still don't know if Mirabel is going to die.

"now that we are going to have twins.. i have 3 lives to worry about now." you run a hand through your hair

"what is the worse thing you think can happen?" Alma ask

"i lose all 3 at once. I don't know if i would be able to take it... what if life rips not only my wife but my children?" you are worried now.

Alma hugs you and you then come up with an idea.

"maybe i can see the witch.. i can try to keep them alive " you said

"there was a consequence when you did it. now you live forever. who's to say it will work the same way again?" Alma said trying to get you to think

you sigh and look at her.

"you are right. I don't want to be the cause of anything. " you said looking down.

"go be with Mirabel now. we will figure out what to do tomorrow. i know she'd want to celebrate the babies with you. I have ...some business to take care of. " alma said

"okay amiga. tomorow we make a plan " you agree

you kiss her cheek and head out her room. you smile when you hear Mirabel's laugh. oh how much you love her.

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