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this moment is the hardest.

"who do we save?" the doctor shouts in your direction

everything but you freezes. now you are confused and scared. you hear a laugh and turn to see none other but that witch.

"children or wife. who do we save (y/n) ?" she ask amused

"you monster! now you want to show yourself!" you shout

"oh i have nothing to do with this... it's just the cards that was dealt" she said.

she looks at the doctors then at you.

"i can't chose between my wife and my babies..." you want to cry

you then come up with an idea.

"chose me." you said looking at her

"what?" she ask fake confused knowing very well what you meant

"i'm trading my life for theirs. I was suppose to be dead anyway. i was selfish to ask for more time to try to cheat death. Just let me tell Mirabel I love her and hold my twins ...then you can take my life." you said

"you know i thought you would take a few more lives to come up with that idea... but fine. " she said

she snaps and she's gone and everything goes back into motion

"wait doctor... they all seem fine" the nurse says amazed

color seems to return to Mirabel's face and they work to get the first baby out. you hold Mirabel's hand as she comes back to consciousness and you both hear the beautiful cry of your baby.

"it's a girl... one more to go sweetie" the nurse said

you kiss Mirabel's head and she smiles weakly at you. then a few minutes later another cry

"it's a boy"

"you did it mi vida. a girl and boy" you kiss Mirabel's cheek.

you want to enjoy your little family for how ever long you can.

"Mateo and Annie.. that's their names. " Mirabel said

you smile big liking the idea of the names. she decided annie from her first life.

"prefect names. they are prefect just like you " you tell the woman you love.

you two take turns holding a twin. you take in the moment and a nurse takes a picture of the 4 of you. you thank her and thankful that the twins will have at least one photo with you. 

Julieta comes in the room and you smile at her.

"hey Mi vida. I have to go run an errand but your mami is here. I love you and i love the twins more than anything. " you said to Mirabel and kiss her cheek.

you kiss the twins and smile at Julieta. you go and write a goodbye note and drop it off at Casita before you head to the woods to meet the witch.

"took you long enough" she said

"oh shut it. " you said

you walk to the water unknowingly to you is the same spot Pedro died.

"you know I thought we was going to have more time together. you and I.. who knew this was the life you'd sacrifice yourself for" she taunts getting close.

"just.. get it over with. I already left my goodbye note. I would do anything i have to do to protect my family. I have a beautiful wife, a beautiful daughter and a handsome son. it's my job to protect them and if that means i have to die then so be it." you said

a wind picks up and you and the witch look. you see some yellow butterflies. the swirl like a tornado and she smirks.

"two men sacrifice themselves for their wives and children. they known each other in another life. that is selfless love. " she said

you see a ghost come out of the butterfly tornado. Pedro.

"amigo.. it's you" you said shock

"thank you for taking care of my wife and my grand daughter." he said smiling at you.

"of course. Alma is a dear friend... Mirabel I love her with all my heart. I'm sorry you didn't get to raise the triplets. they are wonderful. " you said

"si they are... what about you? you are just going to leave the twins? " Pedro ask confused

"it was them or Mirabel. I chose to save them and die instead." you said with a sad expression

"or not. " he said

you look at the ghost in front of you confused.

"Jackie.. let him be. in behalf of the high council I say lift the curse. Let him live.. and age" Pedro said turning to the witch

"must be nice having friends in high places" she said to you

with a wave of a finger you start to float. a light illuminates off you as that curse is lifted. you are taken back to the ground and for the first time in years a weight feels taken off you.

"Pedro.. " you said turning to the water

he's gone but you see a bright yellow butterfly

"thank you amigo" you said smiling

you turn and the witch is already gone.

"Mira.. the twins" you said.

you rush back to the hospital. you are going to be with your family. you are going to grow old with Mirabel. you head to her hospital room and she's with the twins and her mom.

"hi mama julieta. " you said walking over as she's holding Mateo.

"they are both so beautiful. " Julieta tells you

"yeah they are... they look like their mama" you said

you kiss both twins on their heads.

"where's my kiss? " Mirabel asked

you chuckle and peck her lips.

Immortal (Mirabel x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now