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Mirabel and you have been dating now for 10 months. Mirabel said i love you first.

{flash back}

You was playing piano and Mirabel sat next to you watching your hands.

"what can't you do?" she ask amazed not knowing you played until today

"hm i don't know... oh I can't snap. " you tell her.

she smiles and looks at you

"Can i tell you a secret?" she ask

"of course mi vida. "

"I love you" she said looking in your eyes.

you smile big and kiss her. you've craved those words to leave her lips for so long.

"i love you too forever and always" you tell her when you both pull away from the kiss.

{end of flashback}

you and Alma have been talking and she's been trying to help you me up with ideas to propose to Mirabel but that means you also have to explain to her about you being immortal.

"ugh what if i propose and then explain everything and she thinks i'm crazy" you sigh

"how would that explain your photos? you can't have all these old photos especially with me and Pedro without that being proof" she pays your hand

"can't i wait until we get married?" you ask

Alma sighs and looks at you

"the truth would set you free. would it be the end of the world if she doesn't believe you?"

"well Alicia didn't. she almost left me but she loved me too much. " you sigh

"do what you think is best" Alma tells you.

you nod knowing she's probably tired of trying to convince you to talk to Mirabel about you. You go to your room and stare in the mirror. you see flashes of you with Annie, then Cecilia, the Alicia and then you see yourself in a field. you look around and there is Mirabel.. dead. you scream and shake your head. you are back in the room. Mirabel runs in since she was coming to ask you something anyway

"what happen?" she ask scared

You break and cry.

"I'll always find you again and again. And i'll lose you every time" you sob

you said that to her multiple time already. you promised to find her every life. she hugs you and just holds you. she lets you cry it out not understanding what you said. you cried yourself to sleep and Mirabel sighs holding you.

she lays you down and noticed you sketched this figure of a woman over and over again. she looks at your desk and their is the woman but you don't make her face clear. she goes through the new sketchbook that's filled of this image but on the last page is a clear drawing of her face. she's seen the lady before. she's seen her in the woods a could of times. she doesn't know that's the woman who cursed you.

"who is this (y/n)" she ask out loud knowing you are asleep

she hopes you aren't into this woman and she prays you aren't trying to leave her for this woman.

"mira.. marry.. please" you mumble in your sleep.

Mirabel smiles and kisses your head. maybe you aren't going to leave her. she wants to know why you drew the lady though. she sighs and lays down next to you. she puts her glasses on your night stand. she holds you and close her eyes.

"i love you amor" she whispers

about an hour later you get up. you feel arms around you. you look and see Mirabel holding on to you in her sleep. you smile and kiss her head.  you know she seen the drawing since you heard after you passed out from crying.  you allow get up and she groans and wakes up. she looks at you confused.

"sorry i didn't want to wake you."

"what time is it?" she ask

"almost time for dinner" you say looking at the clock

"okay" She stands up and puts on her glasses

"hey... I love you" you tell her

she smiles and kisses your cheek

"i love you too forever and always."

you two head to the dining room and you stop as your head hurts. you grab the head and groan. Mirabel stops walking and turns to you.

"amor" she looks at you concern

too many memories are flashing before you that you can't keep up. Mirabel is switching from person to person and it's making you dizzy. your stumble and fall against the wall.

"mami!" Mirabel shouts and rushes to your side.

you bite your lip to stop you from screaming in pain. you shut your eyes tight and after 5 minutes the torture stops. you open your eyes and see Julieta and Mirabel concern. behind them peeking is the rest of the madrigals.

"i'm fine" you say and slowly stand up

"you fell and seem like your head was killing you" Mirabel said

"everyone just enjoy dinner.. i have something to take care of. i'm sorry for the worry" you hurry out before anyone can say anything

you go into the woods.

"show yourself!! where are you!?" you shout

it starts to rain. just perfect. you look around as you get drenched.

"you know someone might think you're crazy for shouting in the woods" the witch states coming out of no where with an umbrella

"i'm done playing this game with you!" you shout angry

"oh but we aren't playing a game. you asked me to save your life and let you live with your soulmate and i did just that. you live with your soulmate as her soul goes to different bodies. "

you hear something so you turn and when you look back she's gone. you groan and kick a tree. how are you going to save Mirabel? how can you be the hero?

Immortal (Mirabel x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now