4.i dont wanna lose you

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"Amor.. stay still" Mirabel laughs

she trying to get your measurements since she notice you need some new shirts. you are a bit ticklish so you keep moving laughing

"it's not my fault i'm ticklish" you tell her.

"well after i finish I'll kiss you. so the longer it takes the longer till you get a kiss"

you try your best to stay still with a laugh here and there. soon she is done and she kisses your cheek.

"hey! you missed " you pout

"i never said where"

"mi vida please.. may i get a kiss on the lips?" you ask

she smiles and tippy toes and kisses you. you kiss back and lean down so she doesn't have to tippy toe. you hold her waist when she wraps her arms around your neck.

"hey Mira.. ahh!" Camilo says walking in without knocking.

you both pull away

"fucking camilo" Mirabel says watching her cousin run

you chuckle and hold her as she lays her head on your chest. you both stand like this for a few minutes just hold each other. you kiss her head and Dolores walks in.

"hey Mirabel can you come help me with something?" she ask

"sure "

"I'm going to go sit with your abuela for a bit" you tell Mirabel

you kiss her head one more time before going to Alma's room. you knock and wait

"come in!"

you walk in and see her with Bruno. he's trying to hide one of the green vision boards.

"what's going on?" you ask

"nothing... bye" Bruno say

he quickly and awkwardly leaves.

"amiga..." you say and walk over

"nothing is going on" she tells you

you cross your arms and raise an eyebrow. you know very well she's lying.

"well... Bruno may have.. looked into your future" Alma says rubbing her neck

you sigh frustrated and run a hand through your hair.

"I told you not to" you tell her

"well it didn't work well. look"

she takes the green tablet looking screen out from under her pillow and show you. it's broken into 3 parts. Annie. Cecilia. Alicia. but in the middle is mirabel. Bruno stopped the vision because he watched each woman die and couldn't keep seeing what would happen to his niece. Alma explains all that.

"I don't want to lose her.... I don't know if I would be able to deal with that... I need a minute. um we can talk later. " you say with tears in your eyes.

you kiss the top of Alma's head and walk out. you head to your room.

"amor can you..." Mirabel starts to say

you ignore her even though it hurts and go into your room closing the door behind you. you lay down and just let all your emotions out. in all these years living you don't know how much you can take. you've seen love die and it's scary. your heart breaks each time and it's at the point that it it's hit one more time you'd try to kill yourself even though it won't work. you've tried so many times and so many ways. Hell you don't even sleep because you can't. you can just lay there and pretend to sleep. being immortal is the worse thing to happen to you. You just wanted a couple more years with annie not to be stuck following her soul around and watching it leave one body for another.

"amor..." Mirabel says walking in.

she sits on the bed and lets you have your moment. she's there if you need her to be.

"what's going on?" she ask when you look up at her

"um... it's a lot. I don't think right now would be appropriate for me to try to explain everything. " you tell her

You lay your head on her lap. she nods and plays with your hair. she doesn't want to push you and you leave.

"I'm here for whenever you want to talk. " she said

"can we just cuddle?" you ask hopeful

she nods and you both lay on your bed and you lay your head on her chest. she holds you and hums as she plays with your hair

"just know that i'm not going anywhere. you are stuck with me mister. there is no way you are leaving my life. i like you too much " Mirabel said while looking at you

you smile small not wanting to ever lose her.

"well i don't want to lose you in my life. You make me so happy... you don't even know. "

Mirabel smiles. she never felt the way she feels about you for anyone else. she looks at you and notice you close your eyes. she kisses the top of your hair and sigh.

"oh (y/n) just let me completely in. " she whispers thinking you are asleep.

you know it's not the right time to let her know the truth. hell maybe never will be the time.

Immortal (Mirabel x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now