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you've taken Mirabel on a couple dates and she's been super happy. she likes having quality time with you and being able to get out the house. she feels like when you two are home there are times Alma is a little too focused on you both.

you are helping Agustin out by cutting wood. there you are shirtless cutting wood and don't notice Mirabel watching you.

"you're drooling" Isabela said loooking at her youngest sister

"shut up " Mirabel tells her

"are you just going to watch him or what?" Isabela ask amused.

"Isa.. he's working right now.. i'm waiting for him to finish up. i just wanted to go for a walk. hopefully he stays shirtless so i can take in the view. "

Isabela couldn't help but laugh at her sister. Mirabel rolls her eyes. After you finish you notice Mirabel and wave. she smiles and walks over.

"hola mi vida" you kiss her

she kisses back happily and soon pulls away.

"i was wondering if you was free.." she ask

"I am now. what do you have in mind?" you ask and put a shirt on

"maybe we can go for a walk... or if you're tired we can go cuddle." she said and holds on to your hand.

you smile at her, you love when she wants to spend time with you.

"we can go lay down for a bit then go for a walk my beautiful novia."

she blushes a bit and nods. you hold her hand and walk with her back inside. you both head to your room since everyone automatically checks her room for you both.

"mind if i take a quick shower?" you ask

"go ahead. " she said

you grab your towel and a change of clothes and rush out. you didn't notice you dropped box on the floor in your rush out. Mirabel picks it up and notices it's a ring box. she curiously opens it and sees a beautiful ring inside and takes it out. she looks at it and engraved inside it says "mi vida". she quickly puts the ring back in the drawer where you took the clothes out of. she wonders if you was going to propose.  she didn't know if it was too soon in your relationship. she didn't know it's already been her ring many times before. you propose with the same ring over and over again since it is her ring after all.

"oh god i don't think i was suppose to see that" mirabel mumbles to her self.

she sits on your bed and takes off her shoes. she looks around at all the drawings you have. some of them of her which makes her smile. she lays on your pillow and smiles since it smells like you. you quietly come back in.

"hey i'm ready to cuddle"you tell her.

she opens her arms and you smile big. you walk to her and lay with her. she smiles and puts your head on her chest.

"my favorite spot" you say

she chuckles and start to play with your hair.

"Amor.. i want to ask you something"

"go ahead mi vida" you tell her.

"i was just wondering.. what do you think about marriage ?" she ask

"don't you think it's too early in our relationship to talk about marriage?" you ask confused a bit

"well would you think about marrying.. me one day?" she ask low

now she thinks you don't want to be with her.

"mi vida i do. why are you ask? " you ask confused now

"you dropped something.. i picked it up and saw it was a ring box. i was curious and i looked at it. it was engraved mi vida so i thought you got me a ring..." she admits.

your heart races now. how do you explain that's technically her ring. it always becomes her ring. you can't straight tell her that every time she dies you chase after her soul. you don't want her to think you're crazy or something.

"oh that was my grandmother's ring. she gave it to me to give the love of my life. " you tell her

which isn't a lie. it was your grandmothers but also annie's, cecilia's and Alicia's. one day to be Mirabel's.

"oh okay.." she seems a little sad

"mi vida... i do want to marry you one day. Don't think i don't. At least you know i have a ring but not when i'll propose. i want you to know all of me before that. " you kiss her hand

she smiles as if she loves your answer and kisses your cheek. 

"well you are going to have to let me in more. " she tells you

"hey i do let you in."

"not all the time. sometimes you space out and then look hurt but won't tell me what's going on "

"i will tell you.. just tell me next time i do it " you said

"okay but don't try to tell me you'll explain later and never do"

you nod and you two kiss to seal the deal. you pull her on top of you as you kiss. she deepens the kiss.

"hey (y/n) ... Dios mío!" Isabela said

she slams the door close and you both pull away blushing

"first camilo now Isabela. i hope it's not Antonio next. "

"we need to lock the door " Mirabel mumbles as she hides her face in your neck

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