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the twins are 6 months. you and Mirabel have a good system when it comes to the twins. Mirabel is holding the twins while you are reading out loud a story book.

"and they all lived happily ever after. the end" you said smiling.

you help Mirabel put the twins to lay down.

"our beautiful babies" Mirabel said and hug on your waist

you wrap an arm around her and kiss her head as you both look at the babies sleeping.

"we have maybe 2 hours while they sleep. " you said and make sure the baby monitor is on.

"you know what that means we can do.." Mirabel said smirking at you

"oh yeah" you said and pull her to your shared room.

you both go to the bed and lay down.

"ugh rest" Mirabel said happily.

"who do you think is going to be up first?" you ask

"hmm Mateo went to sleep first so maybe him. but Annie usually gets up first... i say Mateo then he's going to wake annie. " you said

"let's see" Mirabel yawns.

"getting use to sleep and aging is a lot" you said still getting use to being mortal.

she chuckles and and you pull her close to cuddle with her. you play with her hair and she falls asleep first. you smile at her and then fall asleep.

you wake up when you feel Mirabel moving. you open your eyes and see a panic on her face.

"what is it?" you sis

"we slept like 4 hours and i don't hear the babies on the monitor" she said

you get up with her and you two start going to the nursery and hear babbling downstairs. you two go downstairs and see the twins in their high chairs with Agustin and Julieta.

"hey" you said

you kiss the twins on their heads

"oh sorry we didn't want to wake you both" Julieta said

"it's okay mami. "Mirabel said

"they got up crying so we fed them." Agustin said smiling at his grandkids.

Mateo is currently squeezing Agustin nose. Annie is biting on a spoon.

"how did you sleep?" Julieta ask Mirabel while handing her a cup of tea.

"really good. " she said taking a sip

you take Annie out her high chair and she instantly goes to play with your wedding ring.

"papi is married to the most beautiful woman ever.. your mami" you tell her.

"so when are you two going to go out on a date?" Julieta ask

"maybe when the twins don't need us so much" Mirabel said looking at the twins.

"Miraboo we watched them while you two slept. you two need a date. we can watch them for a few hours" Agustin said

"hours?" Mirabel asked sounding scared

you grab her hand and she looks at you

"hey.. they are fine with your parents. a few hours without us won't hurt. besides if we don't go on dates leaving them then hey might get bad separation anxiety. " you said

"i think i have separation anxiety" she said

"i was the same way with all 3 of my girls. though you need to have time to take care of yourself and your relationship.  " Julieta said

Mirabel sighed.

"fine... we will go on a date. " Mirabel said

"great. you two get dressed and leave" Julieta said

"wait now? no i'm not ready" she whines and takes Annie from you.

"that's the point. you aren't suppose to be ready. now go get dressed. " Julieta said

Mirabel kisses both the twins and hesitates but hands Annie over to Julieta.

"come on amor" you said and take her upstairs

"how are you so calm about this ?" Mirabel ask

"i've been alive for years and I can contain my anxiety abit. yes i am anxious to leave them but i also heard what your mom said about having time for our relationship. we are parents yes but we are also husband and wife. " you said

Mirabel runs. hand through her hair and looks away

"i'm being ridiculous huh?" she ask

"no you aren't. it's hard to leave them when we are constantly with them. " you said

you hug her and kiss the top of her head. she hugs back and just takes in your scent to help calm her down.

"i love you" she said

"i love you way more" you said

"no way" she said

"Mira... i chased you all around the world for years. I think I love you more" you stated looking at her

"well maybe i love you more because i fall for you over and over again "  Mirabel said and stick her tongue out

you can't help but smile at the curly haired woman in front of you. you two change into more "date" outfits. You are buttoning your shirt.

"so how do i look?" Mirabel asks

you look up and your jaw drops. she's wearing a new dress and she put on some light makeup.

"wow.. you look gorgeous" you said smiling

"you are just saying that because i'm your wife" she said blushing.

"because you are my wife and you look so gorgeous like a beautiful goddess. God am i lucky to have you" you said smiling

you are happy when you see her red as a tomato. it's great you still have that affect on her. you two say your goodbyes to the twins and enjoy a date night together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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