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You been married for a whole 2 months now and have been extra clingy. Mirabel loves you so much but the clinginess got a bit annoying and on top of that she hasn't been feeling well. she seen the doctor a week ago and waiting on the results.

"amor you got some mail" you said walking into the room while she's sewing.

you hand it to her.

"can you please go ask my abuela for the dress she needed me to fix" she ask you

"of course. anything for you. " you kiss her head and walk out

she quickly opens the letter and reads it. it's from the doctor. her eyes widens and she hides the paper. she takes deep breaths to relax herself.

"dolores please come here. " she whispers

Dolores walks in.

"um can you tell me if this is accurate " she shows Dolores the paper.

"oh yeah. i've heard for a bit. " she tells you.

"and you didn't tell me?"

"Mira it's not my place... they both sound good"

"both... two" Mirabel said shock

"two what?" you ask walking in

"some tickets to a show. " Dolores said then hums leaving.

"i was actually going to tell you i'm going to be helping your Abuela for the rest of the day. unless you want company" you tell Mirabel

"go! ... i mean it's okay to go and help her. I love you " Mirabel said nervous

"i love you too forever and always" you said as you look at mirabel weird

she forces a smile and you walk out. you go to Alma and she smiles as she's in the front.

"hey how are you amiga?" you ask

"i'm okay amigo. do you think if you have kids they would have eyes like yours? two different colors? "

(these are how your eyes look)

(these are how your eyes look)

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"well i don't know. i'm scared to have kids to be honest. I don't want to watch them die or lose Mirabel and choose the kids and not chase her soul." you sigh and play with your hands

Alma hugs you and you hugs back.you take comfort in your friend.

"I can't believe my granddaughter is married to my friend. " Alma said

you laugh

"it's weird how you say it... i maybe old but i don't look it." you flash a smile

"i wish i looked how i did in my 20s." Alma said

"then you and Isabela would be confused as twins"

she chuckles and nods knowing how much her grand daughter looks like her. you two talk for a bit and you go with her into town and carry the groceries she gets for her.

"hm i think i'll make Pedro's favorite cake tonight. the triplets love it" Alma tells you.

"sounds good. Pedro did have great taste in cake. " you said.

"oh yes he did." Alma smiles

you two continue shopping for ingredients and when Alma is satisfied you head back to casita.

"I am happy life brought me back a friend" Alma said

you smile big and tear up a bit because you realized it was hard to make friends but to have someone you knew years ago in your life is amazing.

"i'm happy about that too. it feels so good to be able to have stories with someone and be around them." you hug her

"you make me feel young again. we have a true friendly connection" Alma hugs back.

you two head back inside and you help out everything away.

"(y/n) can you check on Mirabel she didn't come down for lunch." Julieta tells you.

"sure mama julieta. " you said.

you worried hurry upstairs to your shared room. you knock and don't hear a response so you open the door. you see Mirabel asleep holding on to your pillow. you smile and go sit next to her. you push her hair out her face and she moves a bit. you see her open her beautiful brown eyes and you can't help but smile.

"is it lunch time?" Mirabel ask confused.

"you slept through lunch mi vida... are you feeling okay? should we see the doctor? you've been really sleepy lately. " you said concern.

"maybe i just been doing too much. " Mirabel said hoping you believe her.

"you sure?" you ask and pull her to your chest

Mirabel takes in your smell and feels so comfortable in your chest. she closes her eyes and yawn. you look down at her and kiss her head.

"want to go back to sleep for a bit before dinner?" you ask

no answer.

"mi vida.."

you hear light snores. you lay her down gently and sigh. you head downstairs and and head to the kitchen. Julieta and Alma are both there cooking together smiling.

"sorry to interrupt but have either of you noticed anything with Mirabel? she's been sleeping more and seems off. "

the women look at each other as if speaking with their eyes.

"well maybe she's just been overworking herself. when dinner is done you can wake her and make sure she eats. " Julieta said

you nod still worried about your wife.

"she's going to be okay." Alma said putting a hand on yours.

you force a smile but Alma looks at you knowingly. 

"I think I'll just lay with her for a little bit." you tell the women.

you go back to the room and just hold Mirabel until dinner time.

Immortal (Mirabel x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now