7.the truth

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You've been scared to lose Mirabel. you've been wondering around at night when you aren't laying with Mirabel. Tonight you wonder into Mirabel's room and she's fast asleep. you quietly walk to her and shake her awake

"huh? (y/n)?" she said confused

she sits up and puts on her glasses

"what's going on?" she ask you

"i uh.. i wanted to ask you an important question" you tell her.

"well go ahead"

you take a deep breath.

"mi vida. i love you more than anything. You are my soul mate and i don't want anyone else. you are gorgeous inside and out. you are so smart and funny. you make me think of wanting a future with you where we raise a family together. I just don't want to lose you. would you like to marry me?" you ask

you take the ring out your pocket and look at her. Mirabel looks at you shock.

"i'm not dreaming right?"

you pinch her and she goes ow

"nope you are awake" you smile

"yes yes i will marry you" she whisper shouts not wanting to wake anyone

you smile and kiss her. she kisses you back. she pulls you close and you climb on top of her as you two make out. she runs her hands through your hair and you pull away slowly. you stare into her eyes and smile big.

"my handsome fiancé " she smiles at you.

you lay next to her and stare at her.

"you know how sometimes i seem out of it and get headaches?" you ask

she nods

"um... there's a reason. im going to explain it. I don't want you to think im crazy. " you tell her

"explain please" she sits up to give you her full attention.

"okay so my name is what i said it is but i'm not 23 like i said... well my body is. If we was talking technical i was born 153 years ago. I was born in the 1800s. I fell in love with my childhood bestfriend Annie. we loved each other very much. I fell sick.. I was going to die and no medication at the time helped so i enlisted the help of a woman who you've seen my drawings of. she is into black magic and I told her i wanted more time with my soulmate so she gave me that, but at a cost.  Your soul was once in Annie so I've followed your soul around and had each person fall in love with me. First Annie, then Cecilia your abuela's bestfriend, then a woman name Alicia before you. I know it sounds crazy but it's the truth. I won't age until i get it right and i don't know how to get it right. " you explain nervously

Mirabel stays silent for a few minutes and you are letting her take it in. you play with your hands and wait for her to talk.

"this isn't the craziest thing... i think i just need time to think. " she tells you.

you nod and hand her the photo album you had with you.

"these are all the photos.. drawings, letters and memories i have from all your past lives. i'll uh be in my room. " you tell her.

you kiss her head and walk out giving her the time she needs.

Mirabel doesn't know what to think. she believes you, hell she lives in a magic house with people who have gifts. she sigh and opens the album. she sees a drawing which you wrote "annie " on the top and she sees how similar she looks like her. she looks at the photos of her and you together. she smiles small to see you smile and surprise to see you in a army uniform. that explains some scars you have. she also sees the pictures as Annie ages and you don't.

she gets to the next section with Cecilia. she is shock to see you and Cecilia with her grandparents. she only seen one photo of Pedro and to see him in different ones make her smile. she believes you even more after seeing this.

she then gets to Alicia and sees how in the first few ones you look more in love. then she sees how Alicia looks like she's falling for you hard. she smiles at one of you two smiling at the camera on the beach and you are holding Alicia bridal style smiling big in bathing suits.

she then sees you started putting picture of you and her. even some drawings. she smiles big at the one of you two drinking milkshakes smiling at each other.

"mi amor" she whispers smiling.

she wipes the tears she didn't know was down her face. she holds the album and walks to your room. she quietly goes in and you don't notice her. you are drawing a picture of you and Mirabel at the alter. your fingers are stained from shading and you smile small.

"that's beautiful" you hear behind you and jump.

you turn and look at Mirabel.

"hi... do you still want to marry me?" you ask scared

she nods and sits on your lap.

"i love you amor and i believe you. sure it's weird to think about but it's realty." she said

she kisses you and you kiss back relieve that she believes you.

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