11.preparing for two

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you and Mirabel have been preparing for the twins the best you can. she's now 8 months pregnant. You built the cribs with Agustin who had to see Julieta after he hammered his hand.

"our babies might also be clumsy.. like you" you joke to Mirabel

"hey i'm not that clumsy" she said crossing her arms

"mi amor if it wasn't for casita you would've been flat on your face in numerous occasions. " you said

she sticks her tongue out at you. you smile at her and kiss her head and rub her stomach.

"i love you and the babies" you tell her

"we love you more" Mirabel said putting her hand on top of yours.

"so today Abuela said she's going to give us the blankets she knitted for the twins so we can put it in your hospital bag. " you inform your wife.

"oh i just can't wait to see their little faces. I hope they look like you" she said

"well they most likely will look like you. those madrigal genes are strong. " you said and kiss all over her face until she's laughing.

"amor.. i'm so tired. " Mirabel said yawning

"well do you want to take a nap? I have some painting to do in here. " you said

"but i wanted to help " she pouts

"well you need a nap. the babies are taking all your energy. now come on. i'll tuck you in and play with your hair. " you grab her hand

she follows you to your shared room and you help her lay down. you take off her shoes and tuck her in.

"lay with me" Mirabel said

"i'm coming" you take off your shoes and lay with her.

you play with her hair as she cuddles into you the best she can with the bump. you smile and watch her slowly fall asleep. you kiss her head and then her bump twice.

you leave the room quietly and go to the nursery. you start covering everything before you start to paint. there is a knock and you see Alma walk inside.

"wow looking nice" she said

"you think so?" you stand up and step back.

you drew different animals on the wall.

"you are a great artist. " Alma tells you smiling.

"thank you.. we uh do have a problem though" you tell Alma

"what is it?" she asked worried

"okay well... i've been trying to find the witch but.. she seems to be no where to be found. i was screaming in the forest like a crazy person yesterday. " you inform her

Alma sighs now she's worried. she doesn't know what to do either. if you can't find her and get answers who knows what would happen to Mirabel.

"would you want me to try to find her?" alma asked

"no. i don't want anyone to be hurt because of me" you said

You don't know what this woman would do if anyone tries to talk for you. suddenly there is shouting. you and Alma rush out the nursery. you see Julieta run upstairs with Luisa.  the moment you see them go to the room you share with Mirabel you run. Up in the room you see Dolores and Mirabel isn't looking so well. her water broke but she looks pale.

"hospital" is all Julieta said

you all hurry to rush Mirabel to the hospital scared something is wrong just by looking at her.

"i can still hear the twins. their heart rate is high though" Dolores said

once at the hospital you are shouting for help while Luisa is holding her baby sister who passed out the moment you guys got there.

"please my wife is pregnant. her water broke and she's passed out"

the doctors rush you and Mirabel back into a room. nobody else is allowed and they have you change to be more sterile.

"please help her. " you beg.

they hook her up to be able to track her heart beat and the twins.

"Come on mi vida. i can't lose you or the babies. " you said holding her hands.

the doctors and nurses are running around which is making you really anxious. you watch as the doctors look at each other and huddle for a minute. you bite your lip as you watch them. you don't realize how hard until you take blood in your mouth. you let go your lip and one of them walk over.

"we don't think we can save the 3 of them. it's either your wife or your children" he said

"what? no no. you can't tell me that. save the three of them. please. i.. i can't " you said now panicking

"you have to chose it you will lose a three of them. "

before you can answer the machines are beeping like crazy. this moment is the hardest.

"who do we save?" the doctor shouts in your direction

(Cliff hanger!!! to be continued )

(what's your predictions?)

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