8. wedding prep

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You sit with Mirabel and smile watching her as she goes over what she wants for the wedding with the women in the family. you love watching her talk about something she's passionate about. you get lost in thought.

"(y/n)" Isabela said and shoots a flower at you

"what?" you say

"can i please hit him with a cactus next time?" Isabela ask Mirabel


"we asked what you think about the flowers" Isabela asked

"whatever Mirabel wants. anything she wants she gets. " you say smiling at Mirabel

everyone awws but Isabela who fake gags. you stick your tongue out at her.

"oh Isa i saw you know who giving you the eyes. just ask them out already" you said

Isabela blushes and hushes you. you smile getting back at her. Augustin comes in

"i just want to talk with (y/n) real fast. " he said

you nod and follow him. you two go sit by the piano.

"you are going to marry my youngest. make sure you take care of her. she's special. " he said looking at you.

"señor Agustin I love your daughter with all my heart. she is beautiful inside and out. she makes me happy and i pray i make her happy every day as well. I'd follow her to the ends of the earth. "

heck you do follow her to everywhere her soul has been. He smiles liking the answer and gives you a hug. you are surprised but hug back.

"now come have a drink with us men. " he said

you follow him. Mariano, Felix and Bruno are already drinking. He gives you a cup and gets himself one.

"i propose a toast.. to my son in law. the soon to be (y/n) Madrigal"

"salud" you all say and take a drink

you chat with the men and you smile getting along with them. you are surprised you get a long with everyone but you are so glad about it.

after you had a couple of drinks you see Mirabel walk over.

"amor we are going to taste cake. "

you nod and stand up.  you peck her lips and hold her hand. you two walk to the kitchen and sit down.

"okay you two taste it and tell me which you like the best. " Julieta said

she puts the plates down and you wrap an arm around Mirabel. you two taste all of them.

"Torta negra" you both say at the same time.

you smile at Mirabel who smiles back. you both agree it's the best and it's actually your favorite kind. after all the wedding stuff you and Mirabel go to her room.  you flip on her bed and she chuckles.

"what are you doing?"

"getting comfortable. want to be comfortable with me?" you ask

you open your arms and she lays with you.

"i never got to ask... do you have any kids?" she ask

you look at her

"it's okay if you did.." she starts

"i don't have any kids. since i'm basically immortal i haven't tried to get any of your lives pregnant since i wasn't aging and it won't be fair. " you said

"oh so.. we wouldn't have any kids." she sounded so sad

"amor im doing everything to make this the last time i have to chase you. I've got a plan. i'm tired of not aging. trust me i got a plan. i want to have a family. "you smile.

"okay." she said and cuddles into you.

you kiss her head and hold her hand.

"i love you"

"i love you too forever and always. " you tell her

she smiles happy she found her special person even though technically you found her.

"don't ever leave me" she said scared to lose you.

little does she know that's your fear every single day.. to lose her and have to find her all over again.

"amor do you really think i would leave you? i've followed you around for all these years. i'm not going anywhere if it's not to you." you said serious.

she smiles because she really loves you.

"if the roles was reverse i would follow you around too."

she looks up at you and kisses you. you kiss back happily. Hopefully time isn't close to take her away.

Immortal (Mirabel x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now