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We're always fighting for something.
I say "we" instead of "people", because all of us are in this together.
We find people annoying, people might find you annoying.
We find people attractive, people might find you attractive.

Anyway, it's like this huge battle. Everyone has different beliefs and opinions, and that's totally fine! The problem is some people's attitudes.
Mean, arrogant, and prideful people annoy me. Very much. I really can not stand them.
Those types of people just can't seem to keep to themselves. They always have to call the shots and get what they want. Here's a message to them: THIS IS LIFE AND LIFE IS UNFAIR SO DEAL WITH IT! YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING PERFECT!
But remember also, there are some pretty great moments, I know that :)

Humans like to fight for the upper-hand and that's normal I guess. I actually would encourage that... I say fight! Fight with all your heart! If you want something you should go for it!
Now I realize that's a little hypocritical, I say "DEAL WITH IT! YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING PERFECT!" And now I'm saying, "Fight for what you want!"

Well I'm saying that both are true. I think you should go after whatever your heart desires, but not to go too far. I'm being really complicated but that's what you get when you listen to a teenage girl? Haha sorry <3

The point is I am trying to say that don't brag and be rude about your earnings, just appreciate what you have and what you are able to get, also being happy for others at the same time.


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