This is Going to Be a Long Three Years

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Elsa's POV

Well, I'm here for the school year for the next three years stuck with Jack. So suck it up and deal with him. I still have to meet him tomorrow but I don't want to but, I guess everyone deserves a second chance. I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the building to get my schedule and dorm room. I looked down at the pink sheet that contained my schedule.

Name: Elsa May Winters Dorm #: West, 254


Math: 7:30-8:30
Homeroom: 8:33-9:00
Break- 9:03-9:27
English- 9:30-10:30
Study Hall- 11:53-12:02pm

I smiled at my schedule I got my three dance classes I wanted. This schedule is for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday consists of dance all day the same times, all the other dance types plus the three that is on your normal schedule.

Looking down, I saw Math for first period, it was room J879. I glanced over seeing Jack, he made eye contact but I looked away quickly. When, I reached the classroom, it was big there were a couple other students but I took a seat in the middle. I put my bag down and got out my math binder and book. "Hey, are you new?" A girl with short brown hair and big green eyes spoke to me. "Yeah it is," I smiled. "I'm Rapunzel, but please call me Punzie, and you are?" She spoke sweetly and cheerfully. "oh sorry, I'm Elsa," She smiled at me and gestured to the other people. "Thats Hiccup,Merida,Eugene," she said pointing to each one as they looked and waved at me. "Are y'all a little group or something?" I asked and she nodded her head. "Yeah, you can join they won't mind at all." Punzie said. "Yeah, I'll join," I said standing from my seat and walking with Punzie to the others. "Hey guys this is Elsa, and she joined our group, she is new here," She said. I did a small little wave. "There is one more person in our group we met him this morning, he has math first period also." Hiccup said shaking my hand. He seemed quite nice and handsome.

"Hey guys!" I familiar voice spoke. "Hey Jack!" They all said I turned over my shoulder, sure enough Frost was standing there. "Elsa just joined ye group!" Merida said happily (sorry I can't do a scottish accent I'm trying my hardest >.<). The bell interrupted my thoughts and stopped an awkward situation between Jack and me. The teacher arrived in the classroom along with a flood of students. "Hello class my name is Mrs. Aurora. It's so glad to have a new set of faces in here." She smiled as her blonde hair bounced. "Now first measure is discussing dance partners. There is a sheet the office just posted on the bulletin. There is no changing your partner, they paired you together based on the classes you picked and your personality." She took a seat on her desk scanning our faces. "And this is the partner you will have for the next three years at this school unless you are taking the longer courses which are offered after your first year. You can switch to if you like anytime during the three year period. Does everyone understand?" She asked us. Some people nodded and some people said yes ma'am.

Jack's POV

I started drowning out what Mrs. Aurora was saying, I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 8:12. I didn't know what time class ended so I took out my schedule to see,

Name: Jackson Overland Frost Dorm #: North, 390


Math: 7:30-8:30
Homeroom: 8:33-9:00
Break- 9:03-9:27
English- 9:30-10:30
Study Hall- 11:53-12:02pm

Only eighteen more minutes of class left. "Now, class since I don't want to start a lesson on the first day the office is calling us class by class to go see who your dance partner is they should class us shortly, for the mean time you may talk quietly with each other." She smiled and began to write things on the whiteboard. Since we are stuck with our partners for three years I hope I get someone that I like and will not annoy the crap out of me. "I wonder who my partner is," Punzie said leaning on her elbows that were placed on her desk. I was sitting next to Elsa who was not speaking to me, she was speaking with everyone else. So, I jumped in with the big conversation with our group.

There was a loud static sound and a woman speaking, "Mrs. Aurora's first period you may now go look at who your partner is, and I don't want a single student coming to me to ask to change their partner because it is looked into the computer, that can not and will not be changed thank you," She finished as Mrs. Aurora rose from her seat. "Ok we are going in sets so Elsa, Eugene, Hiccup, Jack, Merida, and Rapunzel you six may go." Mrs. Aurora said looking up from her list. The six of us stood from our seats and began making our way to the office bulletin board.

Elsa's POV

I was really excited to see who my partner is! We approached a big list on a bulletin board that had the word dance partners on it. They were in alphabetical order on the list, so I looked for the letter "E". "Ah ha," I said quietly as I found my name and placed my finger on my name and ran it across to the other side to see the three words that silently murdered my soul...

Elsa May Winters.....................................................................Jackson Overland Frost

I think my heart just jumped out of my chest and ran for the hills. I stood there emotionless and mad as ever. Basically, I was having mixed emotions! I STUCK WITH THIS GUY FOR THREE YEARS!!! THREE!!!! One, two, three! Uno, dos, tres! Oh my snowflakes...

Jack's POV

I finally found my name after many failed attempts,

Jackson Overland Frost......................................................................Elsa May Winters

A part of me was really happy and then apart is mixed emotions. Im trying to make the tension between me and Elsa die down and this is the last thing I need.

"So, who is your partner?" I asked the others. "I have Eugene," Punzie said blushing and Flynn just smiled slyly. I chuckled to myself, "What about you Merida and Hiccup?" I asked them. "We have each other," Hiccup replied casually. We began to walk back to the classroom and we were about to turn the corner to walk in the classroom.

I turned to Elsa who was looking at me with daggers. "How do you like your partner, Elsa?" I said to her trying to innocent. "He is just peachy." She said bluntly and I smirked at her.

hey frosties!
here the next chapter of One Last Dance!
put it in the comments if you know how to put 2 items in media, and not a collage I was going to put music and costume in it!!👇🏻
I think that this is my favorite fanfiction out of 3!!
anyway you know what to do!
(in case you don't vote,comment,etc.)
I would like to thank _Im_only_a_dreamer_ for giving me feed back and telling me that she enjoys my story it means a lot to me as a writer.
1. I'm not very good at writing >.<
2. and it helps me know what my readers are interested in as far getting more people to read my stories
again don't forget to check out Strike A Pose and A Snowflake In Disguise!
👋Okay, bai👋

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