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2 weeks later

Elsa's POV

It's been two weeks since Jack kissed me. Honestly, I didn't know how I felt but now I do. I have fallen in love with him.

Right now I'm currently at the dance completion and we just got done. Jack and I sealed our dance with a kiss; so I hope that gets us extra points. A lot has gone in the two weeks. Jack and I have been on a few dates and they all ended nicely. I am so I glad I gave him that chance it really has showed me how much I some one can change.

As we are loading the bus for the ride home, I felt a warm yet chilly arm sneak around my waist and a nose nestled into my neck. I giggled lightly and tried to push him off of me because I could not get on the bus.

"Jack, let me go, I have to get on the bus." I said.

I then received a muffled no as he gripped me tighter. So, feeling defeated, I waddled my way into the bus with Jack's arms still locked onto me. Once we got to our seat, I turned and looked at him and he met my eyes placing a butterfly kiss onto my jaw. I smiled and kissed his forehead,

"Can I sit down?" Laughing, he turned and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I don't know, can you?" I laughed and pushed him into the seat next to me as he fell with a thud. He chuckled and pulled out is blanket and his phone, as did I but I got a pillow as well.

Jack's POV

As I was watching Netflix after ten minutes, Elsa has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I turned my head and smiled at her, kissed her forehead, and went back to watching Netflix. I'm so happy she gave me a chance and I now have fallen in love with her. She is now my girlfriend, and I love her with all my heart. Looking back I feel so bad for everything I did to her and it still haunts me today. No one should ever go through what I made Elsa go through, all I wanted was to impress my "friends" Toothiana, Bunny, and all the others. I wanted to seem cool and fun to them. But, bullying people isn't fun for the victim. Im so happy Elsa forgave me. I don't even thing I would forgive myself for what I did to Elsa.

I slowly drifted to sleep after about twenty more minutes of Netflix.

"Jaaaaaaack." A voice shook me but I waved it away and mumbled for more time to sleep.

"Jaaaaaaack!" I opened my eyes to see Elsa standing over me looking beautiful as ever. She had her hair in a messy bun, her glasses were on, sweatpants were baggy, and her tank top was a like lopsided.

"Alright, alright, I'm up!" I groaned and stood up while stretching. I reached up and got my backpack, and my gatherings and walked out of the bus blinded by the sun. I walked with Elsa as we chatted we ran into our group.

"OMG! How'd you guys do?" Punzie shouted happily, bouncing.

Elsa flashed a smile and showed her the trophy, and all the girls congratulated her. I laughed as the guys gave me a high five and bro hug.

"Do you guys want to go catch a movie?" They offered but we declined but we were honestly so exhausted we were falling asleep.

We walked to Elsa's dorm and plopped on her bed, and patted the spot on her bed and she jumped in my arms. We locked eyes and just looked at each other dreamily. Leaning in, we shared a long sweet kiss. I pulled away and tucked her snug in her bed.

"Sweet dreams, Elsa." Giving her a kiss, on the forehead, I turned her lights out and her fan on and she bid me goodnight. I smiled and walked down the stairs.

On the pathway to my dorm, a throat cleared catching my attention. I turned around and utter shock was plastered onto my face.

"Hello Jack," a pearly white smile greeted me. "Long time no see huh?" Toothiana smirked at me, gesturing to the rest of the Guardians.


and with that is the end of One Last Dance.

I thank all the readers that have been reading since day 1, and all the patient dreamers who have dealt with my slow updates and still wanted to keep reading.

im so sorry that this chapter is really really really crappy. I needed to finish this book because I currently will be working on 2-3 other books.

let me know if you want a series by voting and commenting

also comment letting me know which part of this book was your favorite, and which part was your least favorite,

if you would go read Strike A Pose, Ill be updating this book along with Break Away, and another book im still brainstorming about. The mystery book will come after I update a little in Break Away and Strike A Pose.


again sorry it took so long to finish and sorry for ending it so badly.

anyway, until next my dreamers <3



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