I Swore I Would Never Do It Again

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Jack's POV

The bell rang and that means I had to go to my next class which is Hip-Hop. To be honest, I think Hip-Hop is probably going to be my favorite class. I'm trying to regain my trust back with Elsa. Which, she is a tough cookie.

She won't open up to me and talk to me! I looked over at her and she had her head held up and was walking beside me. It was awkward, because we weren't talking. You know the situation I'm talking about we have all been in it before. "Hey Jack," she spoke softly and innocent. I checked my hearing making sure I heard her correctly. Which I did.

"Yea Elsa?" I started, desperately hoping we would actually talk. She did not saying anything for a couple of minutes. She never did respond until we got to Hip-Hop class. We walked in, and Elsa hugged a girl with blue hair and grey eyes. Kind of cool if you ask me.

Elsa's POV

I made small talk with Jack. I mean EXTREMELY small, we said hey to each other and that was about it. I walked in the Hip-Hop classroom, and the walls were white and had a big mirror on one wall. I was hugged, at first I was startled and then I hugged back. It turned out to be Caroline! "Hey! It good to see you again." she greeted and began to talk about all her schedule and what was I doing.

We were interrupted by the sound of a woman clearing her throat. "Class," she spoke in a gentle tone. All of the student turned their heads to face the teacher that had shiny blonde locks pulled up in a tight updo bun. To be honest she looked like a ballet teacher. I felt Jack's presence grow stronger, as I looked over my shoulder to see his face and his eyes focused on the teacher. I turned my head back to the teacher.

"I'm Mrs. Charming, or you can call me Mrs. Ella." She informed us making eye contact with each of her students. "I would like each student to state to state his or her name and their partner." She started with a dark skinned girl, she had the hair pulled pulled in a low ponytail. "Oh, I'm Tiana Frog, and this is my partner, Naveen Prince." she gestured to a tall dark skinned man who flashed the teacher a smile. Tiana had a weird a last name, not going to lie. She kept working her way down the line, until she stopped at Jack. "The name is Jack Frost and my partner is Elsa Winters." He said casually and snaked his pale arm around my waist and my body tensed under his touch. I couldn't push him off because that would be awkward.

After Mrs. Ella turned her back I wiggled out of Jack's grasp and he just looked at me. I met his eyes then looked at my feet. "D-d-don't touch me." I said barely above a whisper, but came out just a breathe. I didn't meet Jack's gaze after that and I turned to Mrs. Ella, who had her clipboard in hand. "Okay, your first project is for the male in the partnership, will choreograph a dance for his partner," She stated.

My heart froze and my body with numb with emotions. Jack choreograph a dance? FOR ME? I shook my head slightly, and looked at Jack who had a look of guilt and happiness on his face. I wanted to slap him right now, but he might hit me.

"Okay, there are four dance rooms including mine, which," she looked at her board and smiled. "Jack and Elsa, will get this room for two days. I will hand you your music on your way out, you will be graded on accuracy, creativity, and precision. Remember boys." She looked at them with a feeling of authority. "The girl's grades depends on you." She said sternly giving each boy a ping of fright.

Jack's POV

First I screwed up with Elsa touching her. I don't even know why I did that! IDIOT! To make matters worse, I HAVE TO CHOREOGRAPH A DANCE FOR HER? This just gets better and better. "Boys another thing." Mrs. Ella changed into a different person! She scares me! She took down her bun and shook her head to release a ponytail and gave us a stern look making us shiver in fright, "This project is very hard to get a passing grade.... let alone a perfect score." She chuckled and handed everyone their music. "Jack" She looked at me with a clean CD in her hand, "Elsa will be dancing to Chains by Nick Jonas." A bullet of guilt hit me in the face. I hate this song! (not really i like it) I used to call Elsa "a weak link in the chain" when I bullied her. I looked over at Elsa, she looked pale and lifeless. Mrs. Ella turned her head to everyone else, "Get to work!" she snapped and the other group left the room. She followed after them.

That left just Elsa and me. She was looking down at her feet and fiddling with her hands. "Elsa?" I said quietly. She backed up and eventually ran into a wall. Her back hit the wall with a quiet thud and her hands frantically searching for a door knob, which was not there. I stepped towards her. "Elsa," I repeated myself above a whisper. "D-d-don't touch m-m-me," Elsa cried, tears staining her pale cheeks that a little flush to them from her tears. "Elsa, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I said reaching my hand towards her. She raised her hand to hit it, but she did not hit it, because of something I did in the past.

One day, I was picking on Elsa, the usual, and she got scared and hit my hand. The thing was it wasn't even a hit, it was like a flick it didn't even hurt. But, I got fed up and hit her across the face and slammed her head into the locker, leaving the long scar.

"You will!" she cried even more, drowning herself in her own tears. She slid down against the wall and sat in the corner, bringing her knees to her chest. "Elsa, listen to me." I said calmly and quietly I kneeled down to reach her height. "No, no, NO! I won't listen to you!" she shouted at tears streaming out her eyes like a river. "Elsa," sitting on my knees, and I looked at her head, which she avoided my gaze by, looking at the wall in the corner she was in.

"NO!" She screamed at me. I wanted her to be quiet so the teacher did not hear her.

Okay thats it!

I cupped her face delicately in my hands. She tossed and turned her head to not look at my gaze. "Elsa! Look at me!" I yelled at her. My hands firmly gripped her damp cheeks and I made her hold her gaze with me. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!"

She screamed at me.

I looked in her eyes, and held the gaze, her rage eventually turned into more rage.

Elsa's POV

I held the gaze with him. I snatched my hand from under me.

I slapped him. I felt my hand meet his pale flesh. I slapped Jack Frost. My hand was throbbing and his cheek began turn a light pink, eventually turning into a bright red. His hands still cupping my cheeks, I cried more and squirmed trying to free myself. But, I had no luck. He just stared intently at the wall. "I deserved that," he said faintly it was barely audible, but I heard it.

Jack's POV

Elsa slapped me.

With our past, I did something I swore I would never do after finding out what I had done to her......




Cliffhanger!!!! I was going to leave it where he said okay that's it and then I was like nah!!

Anyway I just want to again thank you all for getting this story up to 503 views!!!

btw my signing is different is because I'm updating this from my computer and I can't do it from my IPad because my IPad will say like fontsize:capriAlignment and blah blah blah blah blahhhh!!!


ONE MORE THING! Go check out the other stories Strike A Pose and I'll Be Your Eyes!

OkAy, BaI



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