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Jack's POV

We waited in the silence for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality were only a few minutes. Sticking, my face in the water fountain, the cool water stream seemed to wash away the blood. Then I proceed to grab a napkin out of my bag, and wipe my face off, looking at the bloody napkin, my gazed cracked when I saw drips on it causing the drips to bounce.

"Ugh," I groaned and threw my head back in frustration and deposited the napkin in the trash.

Elsa looked up at me and rose from the bench, "You okay?" she questioned and it sounded so fragile, as if one look in the eye would cause it to shatter.

I nodded and my head, but I lying-well not really I felt fine but my thoughts cut short by Elsa sweet voice.

"No you're not you nose is still bleeding," she implied calmly which shocked me. Why? I don't know.

She turned her back and the sound of plastic was heard. I peeked over her shoulder as my curiosity grew. She giggled little and pushed my chin back.

That's the sound one I kid you not, that can make any guy happy. Especially me, for all the wrong I have done to her it's great to know that I crush all her happiness.

I smiled faintly, and after a minute she turned around. "Here," handing me a piece of cotton that was in a tubular shape with a string attached to the end. I gazed up at her, and my lips curved into a smile while she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Do you want it or not?" she questioned me rather quickly, tapping her foot impatiently.

I laughed lightly and managed to bust a smile on her face, when she looked up her face was a light blush of embarrassment.

"Elsa, you don't have to be embarrassed I know what this is," I breathed and stuck the tampon up my nose, and sure enough it stopped the bleeding quickly.

A gasp escaped from her lightly tinted lips; her face was confused wondering how I knew about this feminine product.

Gently placing a hand on her shoulder, so she felt confront and not fear. "I have a younger sister, Elsa." I felt her tense under my hand, but she relaxed somewhat and sighed.

"Good, because I was a little worried." Curling her lips into a small smile as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

I looked around the park taking my surroundings. Blue jays, mockingbirds, and the occasional hummingbird fluttered from tree to tree gracefully landing on the brown rough tree branches. A squirrel hopped across the ground digging furiously for the nuts it buried but have lost, the fountain in the middle stood tall and mighty letting the water seep down the side of the bowl. Little kids, specifically a boy and girl, ran around. They looked no more than five; I glanced and saw Elsa watching them closely. I knew she was thinking about her brother, but she made it clear she didn't want to talk about him. Their mother called them and they sadly sulked to her wanting to finish their horseplay.

Elsa looked down at her phone and shoved it back in her pocket.

"I need to be going." She said awkwardly, rubbing her arm up and down, slowly but wanted to speed up.

"You cold?" I asked. She shrugged.

"A little bit," (the cold does bother her get over it) she shivered lightly. I reached in my bag and plucked out a hoodie I had and gave it to her.

She looked at me baffled and slide the jacket over her small figure. She gazed up at me as she hugged her arms, her shivers slowing down as the wind blew fiercely against her rosy cheeks with each second.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She stuttered lightly. Her voice resembled cracked glass that would shatter within a fraction of a second. I just smiled at her, and she still gazed up at me.

"Because I have to fix what I thought I broke." I smiled at her my lean figure towering over her.

Those sapphire blue eyes bored into me like waterfall of confusion. Her lips were pressed tightly into a thin line, and her nose holding a light pink pigmentation because of the forceful weather surrounding us.

My nose stopped bleeding so I pulled out the cotton in my nose and dropped it in the trashcan.

"Thank you for the..uhh.." I stuttered awkwardly. The mere thought of saying the item just makes me cringe. Why? I can't answer that.

She laughed lightly, and I felt my heart speed pick up.

"No problem, Jack." I was a bit taken back by here words. This was the first time she ever used my name. Or if it had been used before it was in an anger manner, but now it was calm like a river.

She stood there smiling, before she looked at the time.

"Oh, I really have to go now." She stated quickly, and began zipping up her bag.

"Wait," she glanced at me, I wrote down my phone number on a piece of paper and swiftly gave it to her.

"Listen to me, Elsa." I said firmly but lightly. "I know I haven't been the best person to you, but I think that if we both try, we can have a good friendship." I smiled sealing the deal.


hey guys! here is my long and overdue update for this book

i'm so sorry for the lack of updates. you guys mean the world to me, and I've had a very busy. i wont be able to update or be on wattpad at all next week cuz i have to go Camp for my school. but ill see if I can squeeze in an update for you guys!

i have so many songs for them to dance to it hurts!!

btw, leave me some comments I absolute love them!

truly yours


p.s. you are amazing and beautiful stay strong <3 :)

p.p.s do any guys read this? lol


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