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𝐤𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐡 𝐥𝐞𝐞

as I glanced at seven she was looking down trying her hardest not to make eye contact with me . " um yea .. my dad and ms.backers are neighbors and really close friends " she said . " ohh okay , so I'm guessing you knew Who seven was before this party " i said . " yea um ... we met around may " she said . the room was literally quite asfc . everyone listening to the incident and seven nerves bad due to the fact her leg was constantly bouncing repeatedly . " why didn't you tell me you knew seven ? " niyah said . " I felt it wasn't important and we needed a fresh start- " " um sorry for interrupting but , why do yall need a fresh start ? " I said before placing my hand on sevens leg causing it to stop bouncing . " seven ? what was the problem ? why did yall need a fresh start ? " I said whilr putting my hand on her chin lifting it so that we made eye contact . " Ight um .. i think we should head - " " no it's fine , stay . " I said shooting niyah a slight smile while raising my eyebrows . she rubbed her head before putting her gaze back on seven . " um - if you are looking at this in the wrong way I - " " oh no , I'm not .. I was just wondering . what made you think I was looking at this in the wrong way ? What other way is there to look at this in ? .. now seven do you mind answering my question ? " I said . " ugh we had got into a heated argument- " " why ? " .
" well damn can you let me finish . Calm down . Because I decided I wanted to leave early .. and she didn't want me to leave . " seven said . " If you gonna tell some shit how about you tell it the right way " Lanah said causing me to raise my eyebrows ...
Yea some shit about to pop off and my hands gone be on somebody .


" you know you getting yourself in some shit ... are you sure you want to do this ? " Tiffany said . " yes I'm sure . they are still my family and I will protect them . Now take me " I said laying my head back . I was beyond fucking stressed . " okay girl " .. Tiffany said before pulling off .


" bullshit yo , your such a fucking liar . you caught feelings , tried to throw yourself at me when I told you I had a girlfriend and I left and now you pop up at my fucking bestfriends hou-" before I could ever finish talking I seen a bottle fly across the room and get thrown at Lanah .
what the fuck ...

As the fight escalated I grabbed kaliyah off of lanah who started fuck fighting me . Niyah grabbed lanah as kalan helped me get ahold of kaliyah . Kaliyah through all type of shit the at the girl . There was broken glass most likely everywhere . as I pulled kaliyah out the house going to the car I seen a car pull up . It looked mad familiar . as the female got out I noticed she was pregnant. Her stomach as big as someone who would be due tommorow . as she walked up her face became more visible . " why you here ? " I said frowning up as aria walked past me . " okay seven let me tfk go . I'm good " kaliyah said as she pulled away from my grip as we both eyed ari as she entered kalans door . I put my gaze back on kaliyah  . " can you let me explain pls ? " I said . " what is there to fucking explain ? you was fucking her ? " kaliyah said .  I hate how fucking fast she is to think
Im fucking on somebody when I show her nothing but loyalty . I can see the anger and emotions building back up in her eyes . " no baby I promise I wasn't. " " ayo seven come in here real quick " I heard kalan say causing me to jog in the door with  kaliyah behind me while I held her hand . " wassup ? " I said looking at everyone in the house who looked in shock . something was serious and I was nomore in the mood for kaliyah and Lanahs games. " tell her what you told me " kalan said as he kept eyeing her stomach . " kj planning on sliding and shooting kalans house up and maybe yours or Kaliyah's ... him and some other people going to do it later tonight . i just wanted to make sure yall were aware . i don't want anyone getting hurt " she said . I rolled my eyes mentally . I no longer trust anything this bitch says . " how yk her coming here wasn't apart of the plan " i said  . " I believe her .. " kalan said .
This nigga ...
" I'm not even supposed to be here .. I'm nearly risking my life to come here and tell yall this . Why would I be doing this on some weird snake shit . Plus kj doesn't like Tiffany . If he sent me here he wouldn't  send me here with her .. " she said . " well shit I'm ready for whatever - " " Seven wtfc no " kaliyah said .
" kaliyah I gottta defend us .. I'm not finna let them niggas come and shoot up our crib and get away with it . Somebody gone die tonight " i said and I meant every word . " omm I'm ready for whatever what's the move " niyah said . "  Igh you can go now , ty for the message " I said causing everyone to loook at me . " what .. I don't trust her " I said before shrugging my shoulders . " nah shes .. right . I should go if kj found out I was here he would kill me " she said .  " I'm not letting you go back with him " Kalan said .
Is this nigga dumb or is he dumb ?
Well y'all can figure shit out . Me and kaliyah finna slide. i said before exiting the front door and going to the passengers side opening the  door for kaliyah . as I got in the car , niyah and lanah were also getting in their car . " what's the moves ? " I said after rolling my window down . " I'm finna take her ass home and imma slide past yo crib after " niyah said  . " Igh I'm finna get her a hotel and then imma back back out " i said . " wtfc you not taking me nowhere without you being their wit me seven " kaliyah said . " kaliyah just chill at the hotel okay ? " I said . " no seven . I left you alone one time and that's exactly why you have that mark on your thigh . I'm not leaving your side "  she said before getting the gun out the glove department and looking at me . i looked out the window while shaking my head before pulling off behind niyah
I love her crazy ass fr .

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