p . 28

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" mom ! " I yelled for the 5th time at the door while banging . I walked around the house looking in the windows to see if there was anyone home but there was no sight of anyone but the lights just being on . Kaliyah did the same thing untill we heard someone In the house as they quickly ran to the front door and unlocked it . As I quickly rabbed Charmine seeing tears streaming down her face I felt the worst in my heart . " where is mom Charmine? " I said as I looked at her teary eyes and soon nahzir and chasidy came out hugging onto my legs . " somebody took mommy , they had on mask " she said . I froze in fear and anger . Kaliyah grabbed my fist looking up at me cashing me to glance at her . I already knew what was going on and I knew this trip was going to be hell . " take them to the car " i said to kaliyah as I I put Charmine down . i searched the home seeing to find any sign of Anything . once I got to the bedroom I looked in my moms hidden safe where I kept money for her . as I unlocked it there was nothing but a note .

the note :

this just the beginning
— p.R

I quickly got up putting the note in my pocket and heading out the house . as I walked further outside I could see lanah crying in niyah's arms and my heart instantly dropped. " wtfc happened " i said as I walked over to her . She looked at me before crying In my arms , " she's gone .. he left me " she cried . my heart sunk as I instantly felt her pain like that was my own father . I hugged her tightly as I cried . As much as I tried to keep myself together it was hard ... it was so much pain the air in this amount of time and I felt like I was the cause of all of this . I wanted everything to end . " I don't want to be here " lanah said as she cried in my chest . " me neither " I whispered .

" dad I need you to tell me who p.R is " I said as I pasted back and fourth in the hotel . " seven you don't know what you're getting yourself into ... you can't go out trying to kill that man .. you'll be having different bullets coming for you from all directions . Seven please don't do this " he said . " wtfc you mean ?? He has my mom pops .. I have to kill him " i said . " listen .. we will work through this together .. don't go out alone . Nothing will happen to ya mom ... he loves her too much " he said before hanging up . me and kaliyah both looked at eachother I'm confusion . " wtfc be mean he loves her too much ? " I yelled causing kaliyah to jump . " I'm sorry ... I'm just very angry and scared " i said as I sat down chile she pulled me in . " it's okay baby .. we are going to figure everything out " kaliyah said. her words usually calm me but In this moment nothing could calm me I felt like .


" lanah can you talk to me please " niyah said as she set next to me . I felt numb , hurt , and more at the same time . I felt like this wouldn't had happened if i was with him . I blamed myself for everything and in that moment I felt it should've been me and not him . as niyah talked to me I was zoned out , it was hard to focus . " alright yo , ion got time for this " she said as she got up grabbing her things . I looked up at her in confusion as my eyes were puffy and blood shot red . " are you fucking serious right now ? " I said . she continued grabbing her things without answering me . " the only fucking parent I have is gone and you're mad at me cause I'm going through some shit right now ? Are you serious niyah " I said . " lanah .. I'm fucking trying to be there for you rn . This shit is new to me .. when I go through shit I brush that shit off .. I've never had a fucking shoulder to cry on and I'm trying to be there for you and help you and you won't let me
dawg " niyah said in fustration . " oh so now this is about you .. so im guessing your father just died " I said . " I never said that lanah .. but I can relate to how you feel . I'm just wanna be there for you . I want you to talk to me " niyah said. " you don't know how shit feels , your father is still alive right now he just chose to abandoned you " I snapped . niyah's face softened as she looked at me .. She gave me a look of betrayal. " I'm sorry I -  " nah it's coo . You right my father did abandon me and guess who was there to tell myself everything was going to be okay .. me " niyah said as she walked out the door . i needed her by my side right now but I just didn't know how to say it . I was going through something and her walking out on me just tore me even more.


" yo im out .. I'll see yall later " niyah said peeking her head in the door . I nodded my head before responding .. " where's lanah ? " I said . " she ugh , In the hotel room . she staying " she said and I nodded before going back to what I was doing . " this nigga kalan still
Ain't answering " I said . " let me try to call ari" kaliyah said . As soon as she said that kalan and ari came running in the room causing me
To jump up .

" yo I just seen them niggas kj and jay " kalan said. As soon as I heard that I soon started to connect the dots . " wait wdym you seen jay .. she's in jail " kaliyah said . " I'm guessing she got out early " Kalan said . " but why would they be in Florida ? " kaliyah said .
" payback ... and them the niggas that got my mom " I said . " so they know p.R ? " kalan said.
" they have too " i said .

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