Chapter 17 Announcement

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Chapter 17 Announcement

There were murmurs of question and curiosity as the woman stood up and pointed a remote towards what seemed to be a rather blank and plain wall. My eyebrows and eyes shot up as an image started to take shape on the wall. I could see a rather small projector hanging from the ceiling. This must have been a sort of meeting room when it's not needed for guests.

"As you all know, we've proposed and started work on a new development." A man with similar features had moved towards the wall with the projection on. "The deconstruction and reconstruction which will be taking place has already been set and there should be full development by this time next year." There were polite claps all around the room, something I felt compelled to join in with. I made no move to do so, nor did Karim or Emi. "This announcement is basically to say that the deconstruction will be starting in two weeks time!"

The guests started to clap again. My blood ran cold, this was what Aiden had been trying to stop and it was so close. Emi started to slowly clap after she looked around with concern. Karim, who was now to the side, still had his arms crossed and was looking extremely displeased. The minimal effort meant that we stood out quite a bit in relation to the other guests, at least that was how I felt.

"This is going to be trouble." I whispered to Emi. She nudged me quietly, I thought that I had said it quiet enough but she seemed to disagree. My eyes wandered around the room and stopped when I saw my father. He was gleaming with pride and happiness. It made my breathing hitch. My heart was weighed down with emotion, I hadn't seen that face in so long.

"That's an understatement." Emi slightly whispered back, despite her previous violent actions. She looked towards her cousin and sighed. "I guess we've got to escalate the plan." I stared at her in alarm. Surely she wasn't talking about the plan in a room full of people. I couldn't mutter one sentence and yet she was talking about a secret plan, I didn't get it. Apparently, Karim knew what we were on about. He had nodded in response to Emi, although he may have just gotten used to her strange ways.

"We'll figure it out tomorrow." He talked quietly, he wasn't whispering. I was getting the feeling that he was the brooding black sheep of the family. He looked around with a hard gaze, observing the guests' celebrations. "We just have to put up with tonight, we know we have two weeks." I nodded silently in agreement even though he wasn't talking to me. Two weeks. Aiden and I had two weeks to sort this out. There was obviously Emi and Karim as well, who seem to also have the same intentions.

"I have more to say." Emi snapped her head towards me with interest and furrowed brows. Karim just moved his head more towards my direction. "I'll message you at some point." It had to be a mutter. The self-consciousness was starting to eat away at me.

"Yeah, it's not the best place to discuss anything like that." Karim said with a rather blunt tone, though there was a very miniscule hint of humour to it. "Do you want a tour?" The question startled me, people had started to drift away from the lounge. I looked towards Emi for confirmation that he was talking to me but she just looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"I'd love one." I couldn't help but let the excitement show. It was one of the biggest houses I had ever been in, I was curious to see more then the passage and lounge rooms. "If you would let me?" The words quickly escaped from my mouth. Red came to my cheeks as the cousins chuckled and shook their heads.

"He wouldn't be offering if he minded...well he would but there's nobody here to force him to offer." Emi reassured me as she leant on my arm, pulling me slightly.I nodded towards Karim who started to lead the way out of the room. I had to still pretend to be Emi's date as we walked through the many doorways. We received a few glances but nothing much. Guests were still buzzing with chatter after the announcement.

The kitchen was something that I would only ever dream of stepping into. Even though there were about five people living here on a daily basis, it was suited to fit a small restaurant. There were so many things that I didn't know the purpose of, cooking never really being my forte. Karim had skimmed over it slightly, wanting to get out of there quickly so as to not disturb those working.

The hallways were filled with photographs and paintings. I thought some of the repeated artistry was rather strange. There were a lot of nature shots with animals that I didn't get a good look at. "This is Emerson's room." Karim smirked as he went to open the door. Emi leaped from my arm and pressed herself against the door.

"Which we will not be entering today." Her tone was sickly sweet and her gaze held a threatening stare. "I think Karim just wants to show you his room, isn't that right cousin?" She did not change her threatening demeanour but a smirk started to form.

"Of course not." Karim said simply. The feeling of being a third wheel washed over me as I noticed that I hadn't really been talking. "I'm just trying to give Harlow the full tour." He crossed his arms once again. Emi raised an eyebrow and moved to grasp my wrist.

"Well then we can go to your room." She was insistent as she pulled me towards another door. The doors in this hallway all looked the same, dark brown and well looked after. It seemed as though the doors had just been put in, though it was doubtful that was the case. Karims' did seem a little bit newer then the rest.

"It's alright if you don't want me to." I tried to reassure Karim. He just shrugged his shoulders, The frown was still on his face. I had just met him but It was obvious that he didn't really want us going into his room. Looking into it might not be as intruding as actually going in. I was failing to reassure myself of this but I let Emi do as she pleased by opening the door.

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