While we were all on the couch someone knocked on the front door. Lillys dad answered it Andy said hey is Abby here he said yea come in. Andy walked in and Lillys dad closed the door. Andy said hey Abby you ready to go home my eyes were watering.

I said where the fuck where you I got off the couch. Andy said come on let's go I said are you not gonna apologize for being an ass. Andy said Abby please I don't want to fight come on I crossed my arms. Andy said ok I'm gonna leave your ass here and not take you home.

I said ok fine I'm coming he said fuckin finally I slapped him and he put his hand on his cheek. He said asshole I grabbed my stuff and walked outside and waited for Andy and I rolled my eyes.

Andy grabbed me and turned me around and it caught me off guard he pulled me closer and said close your eyes and I did. Every thing went black and I felt light and I opened my eyes and noticed I was back in my room. Andy said there happy I said thank you he said bye and bring your damn key next time and he disappeared.

I ate dinner and got ready for bed and plugged my phone in and went to bed after I used the restroom.

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