94 Friday

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I woke up and got out of bed and headed to the restroom and used it. I walked back over to my bedroom door I heard someone growling in my room I said Andrew. I opened my door excepting to see Andy I said Cc he said hey Abby. I walked in my room and closed my door I said what are you doing in my room.

Cc said Andy told us to be on night watch now since you live by the forest. I smiled and said ok and gave him a hug Cc sat down in my chair and kept a look out in front of my window. I layed down and yawned and stretched I said so are you guys all gonna take turns.

Cc said well yea pretty much I said ok cool Cc said Jinxx will come over tomorrow night I said so Saturday. Cc said yes and Ashley will come over Sunday and so on. I said ok cool Cc started lightly humming a song and I fell asleep for the night.

A couple of hours later I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Cc got up and turned it off I yawned and said thank you he laughed and said your welcome babe and he sat back down. I yawned and stretched and got out of bed and walked out of my room and headed into the bathroom.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room. I said umm Cc I'm gonna change don't peek Cc said I love you like a little sister and I would never do such a thing. I laughed and said ok and got ready for the day I sprayed on some body spray and put my shoes on.

I said Cc he turned and said uh huh I said I'm going to school he said ok and handed me my purse keys and phone. I smiled and said thanks see ya later he smiled and said you too. I said Cc he said whats up I said do you think Andy would ever cheat on me.

Cc said no he loves you way too fucking much why would he do that I said I don't know just wondering. Cc said no Andy would never do such a thing Scout really fucked him up bad. I said yea I bet and sighed I quickly gave Cc a hug and headed downstairs and said later.

Cc said later love ya I said love ya too and I walked out the front door and closed and locked it. My phone vibrated and I checked it and saw a notification from my school I was confused but clicked it. The notification said school canceled today I sighed and said well ok.

I headed back inside and locked the front door and put my bag down and took off my shoes. Cc came downstairs and said oh hey I said school is canceled today he sighed and said huh strange. I said yep I know so thats fun I guess Cc said yep and walked downstairs and sighed.

Me and Cc both started laughing together and I shook my head and said well ok its us for the day. Cc said hell yea and we started laughing together again. I went upstairs and put my stuff down and headed back downstairs. I said Christian Coma what the hell are you doing in my fridge.

Cc jumped and looked at me and said huh I'm hungry. I started laughing and walked over to the fridge and got some food out for us to eat. Lilly called and I answered it while me and Cc were eating. I said hello Lilly said school is canceled today I said yep she sighed and said ughhhh what the fuckkk.

I laughed and said well its fine dont worry she said yea I'm just gonna chill in my bed. I laughed and said bye and hung up I said so where is Andy. Andy appeared and said you rang I started laughing and said hey he said oh food and made some and stood in front of the counter and started eating.

I said why was school canceled Andy said huh I don't know. I said ok and continued eating Cc said well we can all have family time today. I said well that sounds excellent I like that idea Cc said Andy family time. He said ugh sure I guess me and Cc said yeayy and started laughing together.

After we all finished eating I did the dishes and Cc put the food up. I said Andy are you just gonna sit on your ass all day and look hot or help us. Andy said I'm gonna sit on my ass and look hot all day and he smiled widely. I sighed and said of course no fucking help Cc said well hey I'm helping you.

I smiled and said Cc I really appreciate you helping me right now he said of course anything you need just call. I smiled and continued cleaning up Andy said alright I'm up and he walked into the kitchen and said what do you guys need. I said nope I'm finished I don't need your help.

I said Cc he said um no I finished what I needed to do I smiled and said cool and I looked at Andy and said well were done. I walked past him and he growled slightly and I rolled my eyes and continued walking. Cc sat down on the couch and started playing on his phone.

I looked at the floor and sighed Andy came over and sat on the couch next to me and smiled slightly. I said so what do you want to do today Andy said um I'm probably gonna head to work early so I can get off earlier. I said ok Andy gave me a kiss and said love you Abby. I said love you too Andy he got up and used the restroom and then he walked out the front door and disappeared.

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