24 monday

45 1 0


Me and Lilly spent the whole day yesterday cleaning the house and doing chores. We also cleaned up the mess we made while we were having a dance party. I haven't answered Andys calls or messages for the whole day. I just wanted to try and forget him which was probably the best thing to do.

Lilly left yesterday night I sighed because I felt all alone again. Andy never came over which made me feel kinda upset but I was also avoiding him. I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I sighed and threw the covers off of me. I yawned and stretched and sat up I grabbed my water bottle and drank some water. I put my bottle down then turned off my alarm and got out of bed.

My feet hit the floor and I jumped because it was cold. I said fuck it I got up and walked to my bathroom and turned on the lights. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I walked back into my room and changed and sprayed on body spray. I said I haven't showered I said ughhh fuckkk I went back into my bathroom.

I quickly hopped in the shower and took a 30 minute shower and got out and dried off and changed. I sprayed some body spray on and headed back into my room and grabbed my stuff. I put my shoes on and quickly headed downstairs. I got downstairs and said damn I should really exercise soon I laughed and walked towards the front door and unlocked it.

I jumped when I heard Andys voice i said hello and I turned and looked in the kitchen. Andy was staring at me I said can I help you he said why the hell have you been avoiding me all weekend. I sighed and opened the door and walked out and locked it. I got in my car and locked it and buckled up and jumped. Andy appeared in my car and said answer my question I said nope I turned on the car and quickly drove out of the neighborhood.

Andy sighed and said well Andrew is not to happy I said well I could care less. He said why the hell are you so mad all of a sudden I said hmm I don't know. Andy said please enlighten me I said well first you fucking kill people and two Jason almost fucking killed Lilly. Andy said well thats on you because your so fucking nosey why did you go in the forest.

I slammed on my brakes and looked at him and said get out of my fucking car right now. Andy got out and slammed my door and I sped off. I got to school extremely pissed off I parked and saw the invitation and said shit I missed the party. I didn't even want to go anyway I was already in a bad mood. I got out of my car and locked it and headed inside. Lucy and Jack said you missed the party I said yea sorry I was busy.

They laughed and said what fucking random dudes you little whore oh wait your a virgin. They both started laughing and walked away I just headed straight for class. Lilly said hey I said hi and sat down she said you ok I said no I hope we play dodge ball today. She said why and laughed I said because I'm about to beat some ass in two fucking seconds.

Lilly said oh shit Andy I said you have no fucking idea. A couple of seconds later Andy walked in and sat down beside me. Mr Styles said welcome back Andy and smiled Andy growled lowly and the teacher said ok and quickly walked away. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes and mumbled grow up you little child.

Andy said excuse me what did you just say Abby the bell rung and everyone walked in and sat down. The teacher took attendance and the morning announcements came on and everyone went quiet. After the announcements ended Andy stood up and said SAY IT AGAIN ABBY UNLESS YOUR SCARED. I said I'm not scared he said then stand up and say it again to my face.

I did I stood up even though I'm much shorter than him. I said in a pissed off tone I said GROW UP YOU LITTLE CHILD. Andy clenched his fist and his eyes turned black he said FUCK YOU and he grabbed bag and stormed out of the classroom I followed him and yelled JUST RUN AWAY FROM ALL YOUR FUCKING ISSUES LIKE MY DAD DID.

Andy didn't say anything and just left and slammed the door. I felt like my heart was being shredded all at once I couldn't breathe. I walked back into the classroom Lilly said are you ok. I sat down and said I don't know anymore she gave me a hug. I said I think I have feelings for Andy but I'm too scared to show it or think about it.

Lilly said remember what you saw in the forest I looked at her and nodded my head. The teacher passed out worksheets and we all started working on them. First period went by slowly after first period we went to our second class. I heard someone sit next to me and I saw Andy at the corner of my eye.

I instantly sat up and looked at Lilly she just rolled her eyes and scoffed. Everyone came into class and sat down the teacher closed the door then the bell rung. She took attendance a d said we were going to do a project and work with partners. I looked at Lilly and the teacher said I will assign the partners we said dammit and laughed together.

The teacher started pairing partners she said Abby Morgan and Andrew Biersack I sighed. Andy said no absofuckinglty not I'm not working with her. The teacher said oh well I make the rules deal with it. Andys eyes went black and she said aw how cute no I don't care he sighed and leaned against his chair and said fuck this.

Andy said I'm not helping you Abby just so you know. I sighed and said oh how fun is this gonna be Lilly started talking and laughing with her partner. I looked at Andy and he was staring at the trashcan. I said Andy can I ask you a question he said no leave me alone I made a pouty face.

Andy looked at me and said aw how cute I don't fucking care. I said well fuck you too and I turned back towards the board and sighed.

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