We all started jamming out on the way to school started laughing together. I looked out the window while listening to music the weather was extremely pretty. The sun was extremely bright I said God damn sun why the fuck you so bright. Everyone started laughing at me and I smiled and said but like seriously and I started laughing as well.

A couple minutes later we got to school and my mom dropped off me and Andy. Me and Andy walked up the stairs and my mom left I said I'm sure Lilly is already in class Andy said yea I'm sure she already is. I laughed and said she always in class way before us Andy said yea trust me I know I shook my head.

Me and Andy walked into school and everyone looked at us. Some guy said oh isn't that the bitch that slept with Jack at his party. Some girls said oh yea that is I shook my head and bit my lip. Andy said don't listen to them and we continued walking to class me and Andy sat down in our seats.

The bell rung and everyone came into class and sat down in their seats. I heard Andys stomach growl I said did you not eat he said I did but I'm hungry. I shook my head and started laughing the teacher took attendance while the morning announcements were on.

The teacher submitted the attendance to the principal. A couple minutes later the teacher handed out papers and told us what to do. We all started working on our paper I asked the teacher for help and he helped me. Jack said Abby what are you doing this weekend I said nothing.

Jack said huh loser I'm surprised your not fucking around with random dudes. I looked at Andy and he growled lowly the teacher sent Jack out of the class for the day. The rest of the day went by smoothly after school ended every one walked out of the building.

Me Lilly and Andy all walked out of the gym Jack walked up to me. Andy lifted him up by the collar and moved him out of the way. We all walked out of school and into the front of it we walked down the stairs. I got into my moms car and so did Andy we quickly dropped him off.

After we dropped off Andy me and my mom headed home and ate dinner. We both watched movies and talked about random shit together I said next week is finals. My mom said wow are you nervous I said yea a lot. A little while later me and my mom got extremely tired and went to bed I told Andy good night.

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