116 monday

7 1 0


My mom came in my room and turned on the lights and said Abby its time to get up for school. I groaned fuckkkk and said ok mom she said are you ok I haven't seen you all day yesterday. I said yea mom I'm just tired she said ok and closed my door and walked away.

I checked my phone and noticed missed calls and messages from Andy I just swiped off all the notifications. I yanwe and stretched and got out of bed and walked out of my room. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then went back into my room.

I closed my door and took a deep breath Andy appeared and said Abby I'm sorry you have to talk to me. I said no I dont he said yes you do I just rolled my eyes and started changing. I was in a shirt with no pants on I said YOU FUCKING YELLED AT ME FOR NO REASON.

Andy said ABBY IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. I yelled FUCK YOU ANDY GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND LIFE Andys eyes started watering and he closed them and disappeared. I felt like my heart just shattered I finished changing and sprayed some body spray on.

A couple minutes later I headed downstairs my mom said Abby are you ok. I said yea mom I'm fine she said ok and we walked out of the front door and she locked it. Me and my mom headed to school the ride there was silent and extremely awkward.

I said I love you mom she said I love you too Abby I gave her a hug and got out of the car. I closed the door and walked up the stairs and she left I walked into school feeling like absolute shit. Everyone looked at me and said congrats on the prom queen I just continued walking.

I wanted to cry and scream at the same time but I couldn't. I walked to class quickly and sat down in my seat and waited for the bell to ring. Lilly said awww what happened babe I couldn't talk or I would cry. I just shook my head and chocked out nothing she gave me a hug and I almost broke down.

Mr. Styles said Abby do you wanna talk to someone I felt like my chest was tight and I couldn't breathe. I shook my head and he said ok hold on and he handed me a tissue. A couple minutes later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down and the teacher took attendance then the morning announcements came on.

The teacher quickly passed out worksheets and explained once the announcements ended. Mr. Styles said Abby come with me I carefully got out of my chair and followed him into the hallway. Mr. Styles closed the door and I started crying and he gave me a hug and tried calming me down.

A couple minutes later after I could breath I told him everything and he said Abby I'm so sorry. I shook my head and said no its ok a couple minutes later we went back into class. Mr. Styles said I'm here if you need anything I said thanks and started working on the worksheet.

A little while later Andy showed up and came sat down in his seat. Mr. Styles said welcome Andy rolled his eyes and said cool what kind of bullshit are we doing today. Our teacher handed him a worksheet and explained it to him.

I said Andy he said yes Abby I bit my lip and said I'm sorry. Andy sighed and leaned over and kissed me. Andy pulled back and said I love you Abby I said I love you too Andy. We both started smiling together and I looked down and blushed slightly.

A little while later class ended Lilly said we have finals next week I said ughhh. She said I know right Andy said fuck that I'm good. We all started laughing together every one walked out of the room and we all walked into the hallway.

Me Lilly and Andy  all started walking to class Jack said hey Abby and he walked up in front of me. Jack grabbed my arm and I said ow what the fuck. Andy said let her go Jack started laughing and started dragging me roughly. I said ow let me go Jack he laughed and said no.

I looked at Andy and Lilly she was saying Andy do something he said ok and growled lowly. Lilly and Andy both started following me and Jack. I said where are you taking me Jack said I'm not telling you so shut up. I felt my eyes watering and I bit my lip and tried not to cry.

Every one in the hallway just looked at me and Jack walking down the hallway. I was so mad because no one is stopping Jack to help me. A couple minutes later the bell rung I said Jack were going to be late for class.

Everyone started walking into their classrooms I wanted to scream and fight back. I kept trying to fight back Andy said Jack let her go now Jack stopped and turned and looked at Andy. Jack said why should I let her go she deserves to pay for what she did.

I bit Jack and he said ow fuck you bitch and he let me go and I fell. I ran to Andy and Lilly she hoisted me up and we started walking to class. We got into class and were marked as tardy. The rest of the day went by slowly which sucked.

After school ended we all got up and walked out of class and walked to the front door. My mom was already here so I quickly got into her car. My mom locked the door and started driving I buckled up and yawned. Me and my mom talked for a little bit she said I already cooked dinner.

After we got home me and my mom ate dinner and hung out on the couch. A little while later we both got ready for bed then went to sleep a little while later.

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