44 Saturday

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I started walking home and felt the cold breeze against my skin Andrew just completely disappeared now and I felt alone. I wish I didn't go in the forest I got home at 2:30 am and snuck back upstairs and climbed into bed and sighed. I couldn't go to sleep but I forced myself to close my eyes and go to sleep for the night. After a while I finally fell asleep I had a dream about Andy and his friends fighting with each other and Andy said he hated me.

Andy said he wished I died and that he should have killed me already. I felt like I was being suffocated while I was sleeping but I couldn't wake up from the dream. A couple of hours later I woke up and took a deep breath and felt like my throat was closed.

I sat up and started coughing and I drank some water my mom walked in and said Abby are you ok. I said yea don't worry she smiled and said good and left. A little while later I used the restroom then headed downstairs and sat on the couch.

I texted Andy and tried to call him but he wouldn't answer and it drove me crazy. I felt slightly irritated about it and I sighed and looked out of the window. A little while later someone knocked at the door and my mom got up answered the door.

My mom said oh hey Andy and he came in and he closed the door. I just looked at him and felt like shit he walked over to me and knelt down beside me and said Abby I love you. I kept my mouth shut and felt my eyes watering my mom said Abby are you ok I said yea I'm fine.

She smiled and said ok good Andy stood up and said you should come over and meet my friends. I shook my head and said no he said come on Abby your no fun and he made a pouty face. I punched him in the dick and he groaned fuckkkk and fell on the floor in pain.

My mom said Abigail what was that for you didn't have to do that she said Andy are you ok. He shook his head and said yes mam don't worry and he looked at me and was pissed. A couple minutes later Andy stood up and said um Abby babe why would you do that. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked him dead in the eyes and said fuck you and leave.

Andy said no I'm not I said why not he said I want to know why your so upset. I couldn't tell him why and he knew that because I didn't want to get in trouble. I said fuck it and blutered out REMEMBER WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID IN THE FOREST HUH. My eyes started watering and my voice cracked Andy sighed and shook his head.

I said yea Andy that fucking hurt a lot whether you know it or not. Andy said I know it hurt you because it also hurt me when I said it. I just wanted to scream and cry my mom said why were you in the forest I said I don't know mom. We all sat down and had a family meeting and talked for a while.

I said I love you mom she said I love you too Abby Andy said come on Abbs let's go I said ugh ok fine. I got up and we went in my car and left to go to his house. A little while later Andy parked and locked my car and we headed inside. Andy started banging on the door someone yelled WHAT THE FUCK IM COMING HOLD ON.

I looked at Andy and he laughed and shook his head and smiled and I bit my lip. I said I love you and he kissed my shoulder and said I love you more Abby so were ok I smiled and said yes babe we are. The door swing open and the guys said oh hey Andy said hello Cc move and he did.

Me and Andy walked inside and he said ok so thats Cc and he said hello and Ashley walked up to me and said hello my name is Ashley and I like to fuck women. I said oh ok cool a scary guy said hey I'm jinxx I said hi and another guy said hello my name is Jake. I said hi and Andy said hello my name is Andy I hit him in the balls and he said ow fuck you Abby not again.

I laughed and said oh but I did everyone started laughing and said oh we like her and I laughed. Cc said you already met me when you came over that one time I said yea and looked down. Jinxx said you wanna come into the basement I said am I about to get murdered they laughed in sync and said no.

Andy stood up and we all headed downstairs into the basement they turned the lights on. They had a huge TV and a nice couch and they had air hockey a Poole table and a couple of other games. Jake said we also have a shit ton of board games I said cool and walked around.

I was completely fascinated I saw a couple guitars hanging up I said cool and smiled. Ashley jumped on the couch and said why hello ma lady and he kissed my hand and I giggled and said hello. Andy growled and Ashley let go and walked away I looked at Andy and he smiled sweetly and turned around and continued talking to his friends.

I continued walking around and I accidentally tripped over something and said ouch what the fuck. I saw a door nob under the blanket Andy ran over and said hey are you ok and helped me up. I said un yea I said what is under the carpet he said nothing and grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the carpet.

I became extremely fascinated by it and I looked at the guys and they were all staring at each other with weird faces. I said um ok so why did you want me to come here he said um so you can finally meet my friends I smiled and said oh ok cool. I let go of his hand and walked away and sat down on the couch.

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