Okay bitch let's fight then

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(the next day)


I was Walking in school with dominique, the triplets and nana. I actually like dominique. she cool as hell and so are kylee,kenna and karmen.

So we walk in and im putting my shit in my locker getting ready for 1st period

"so maybe we can chill at my house after school?" dominique asked

"hell yeah" Kylee smiled

"and maybe we can go shopping before we hit the bricks" she added

"damn niq? wassup with it?"Nana asked

"haha bitch im rich, we aint got no worries"  dominique chuckled fanning herself with money,

"So how are you and prince?" She asked .

"prince?" Who the hell was that?

"Jacob... we call him prince," karmen added

"..that ass never told me that" i muttered

"well.. me and prince kind of... argued to the point i hit him...

"BITCH YOU DID WHAT??!!" I heard from behind me.

I turned around and I had no idea who this was

"Uhm?? do I know--" and before I could Finish my sentence she tackled me against the lockers

"you crazy bitch" I quivered and and grabbed her shirt slinging her across the hall

."linsy get off of her" dominique yelled

"so your bitch ass is named linsy?" I scoffed and as soon as she jumped at me dominique jumped in the way and pulled her from me.

"let go!!" Lindsy punched dominique and her mouth was bleeding.

"oh shit" Nana muttered and dominique had a devil take over her and she tackled lindsy to the floor and wanged her in the face repeatedly.

"Niq it's okay!1" Kenna tried pulling her off of lindsy but dominque wouldnt let go.

"then nana tried pulled her off of lindsy but it didnt work .

I couldnt help but stare because I lost my breath.. It's been years since i used ,my inhaler and now I dont have it! I tried breathing but my breaths got short.

I was just watching how It took kylee, kenna and karmen with nana and 2 other security gaurds to pull dominique away from lindsy. and as soon as lindsy got up she ran for me and pushed me up against the locker

"GASP-- yOU DUMB BITCH!!" I grabbed her neck and She had mine... it was bad enough I couldnt breath and we just held eachother by the throats until secruity tried pulling her off.

I kicked her in her stomach and I she hit me in the jaw... Right when my bruise started going away she hit the exact same spot. I started to wrap her hair around my fist and punched her back to back in the side of her neck and a few times in her face near her eye. security wasnt doing a damn thing.


I was walking the corner of the hall and All i see Is Blood on the floor and and Security on dominique and lindsy fighting hazel up by the lockers.

 "heyy heyy hey!!!!" I yelled and Grabbed lindsy around her waist with one arm and swung her away from hazel

"lindsy stop it!!!" I yelled

"but baby--"

"no Shut up! we have nothing!!" i yelled and I saw hazel fall to the ground just shaking. She was barely breathing

"oh my god.... HELP!" i yell and a black bald security guy walks over.

"What happend?' He asked

 I touched hazels forehead and she stared at me with no imparticular facial expression, she just looked like a dead person with their eyes wide opened

"she's  pink, shaking and she's not breathing."

he listened to her tiny breaths " she's weezing... She must have asthma" He came to a conclusion and the carried her out as the ambulance came.


I F-U-C-K-E-D My B-U-L-L-Y [bullies with benefits]Where stories live. Discover now